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Arthur De Carle Sowerby Books

Arthur De Carle Sowerby (1885 - 1954) was a British naturalist, big game hunter and explorer in China in the early 1900s. He collected specimens for Robert Sterling Clark's expedition of 1909 and made four separate expeditions into Manchuria and Mongolia. In the early 1920s, Sowerby found that his chronic arthritis was preventing him from making any more expeditions so he settled in Shanghai with his second wife. They founded the China Journal which they edited until 1938, with Sowerby making regular contributions and editorials. He retired to Washington DC where he later died.

Arthur De Carle Sowerby
Arthur De Carle Sowerby (right) with wild boar

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A Sportsman's Miscellany

A Sportsman's Miscellany by Arthur De Carle Sowerby (1917) covers the author's journey in China hunting for snipe, duck, bear, a shooting trip in the Imperial Hunting Grounds, Yang-tze river deer, ringed-neck pheasant, rams, wild goose,Reeves' pheasant, leopard, chukar shooting, a house-boat trip on the Yang-tze. A very comprehensive book on hunting in China. Free eBook

Fur And Feather In North China

Fur And Feather In North China by Arthur De Carle Sowerby (1914) includes hunting wild sheep, roe deer, wild boar and antelope in China. Free eBook

Sport And Science On The Sino-Mongolian Frontier

Sport And Science On The Sino-Mongolian Frontier by Arthur De Carle Sowerby (1918) is about a series of hunting expeditions and scientific explorations in the area of the Great Wall of China near the border with Mongolia.Free eBook

Through Shen-Kan: The Account Of The Clark Expedition In North China

Through Shen-Kan: The Account Of The Clark Expedition In North China by Robert Sterling Clark & Arthur De Carle Sowerby (1912) is the account of a 1908-09 expedition to the Shensi and Kansu provinces of northern China. The expedition was funded by Robert Sterling Clark who was joined by the naturalist and writer, Arthur de Carle Sowerby, with whom he co-wrote this book. The book recounts their journey along with observations on geography, zoology, ornithology, astronomy, geology, meteorology and culture. Free eBook

The Naturalist In Manchuria

The Naturalist In Manchuria by Arthur De Carle Sowerby (1922) Volume 1 - Travel and Exploration, Volume 2 - Mammals, Volume 3 - Birds, Volume 4 - The cold-blooded Vertebrates and Tunicates of the Manchurian Region, Volume 5 - The Invertebrates and Flora of the Manchurian Region.

Books About Arthur De Carle Sowerby

Richard Raine Sowerby

Sowerby Of China: Arthur De Carle Sowerby FRGS, FZS by Richard Raine Sowerby (1956) is a biography of the scientist, explorer, sportsman, author and artist Arthur De Carle Sowerby. The work includes much on the Sowerby family, the Clark Expedition, the Shensi Relief Expedition, early collecting, the bandit situation in China, life in Shanghai, much on China including the Japanese occupation and more. The author identifies himself as a friend and distant relative of Sowerby of China.

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