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African Hunting Books by Author


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Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin and Alberto Tessore Ronald S Gabriel P-D Gaisseau John Gale Sir Francis Galton Jeremy Gavron Hugh Ganzter Brian Gardner Nora Gardner Brian Garfield Elgin T Gates Attilio Gatti Ellen Gatti Mary Gaunt Terence Gavaghan J Drew Gay Henry Geddes Edward Prichard Gee Miss M Gehrts William Edgar Geil Valerius Geist Jane Geniesse Edwin S George J N George Jules Gerard Sir Montagu Gerard John W Gerrard D W Gess Romolo Gessi Major Alfred St.Hill Gibbons André Gide Duncan Gilchrist A Cameron Gilg G Howard Gillelan Stirling Gillespie Mary Gillett Parker Gillmore Penelope Gladstone Capt Alexander I R Glasfurd E J Glave Count Gleichen Bernard Glemser Ian Glenn Captain B R M Glossop John Goddard Joshua Godfrey Hossein Golabchi Tim Good Hank Goodman Cotton Gordon Nicholas Gordon Sir Thomas Edward Gordon V Jane Gordon & Elizabeth Salmon Roualeyn Gordon-Cumming William Gordon-Cumming R Gorell Barnes Heinrich Gortz Andrew Goudie Tony Gould W J D Gould C E Gouldsbury Cullen Gouldsbury Government Of India Cyril G Grabs B N Gordon Graham Harry Graham Major Iain Grahame Stephen V Grancsay Stewart Granger Captain Claude Henry Baxter Grant David Grant & Vic Venters James Augustus Grant Patrick Grant Wayne Grant Giorgio Grasselli Scott Gration David Gray Frank Gray Philip Stephen Gray Prentiss N Gray Paulette Lloyd Greame Nick Greaves Elsa Goodwin Green Lawrence G Green Graham Greener William Greener William Wellington Greener Dr Joseph C Greenfield Jr James Greenwood J R Gregory J W Gregory William K Gregory & Henry C Raven Grits Gresham & Tom Gresham Lady Violet Greville Joseph C Grew Zane Grey L Dickson Griffith G B Grinnell & Theo Roosevelt (Editors) Tom Grinslade Ken Grissom Ewart S Grogan James Willyams Grylls Bernhard Grzimek Gianni Guadalupi C A W Guggisberg Rene Guillot Major-General Sir Francis De Guingand John Gunther Prosenjit Das Gupta

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