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African Hunting Books by Author


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Joy Packer Warren Page Edward Paice Thomas Pakenham Valerie Pakenham Michael Palin Eve Palmer Ric Palmer-Wilson Richard & Rita Pankhurst Richard Pape Cal Pappas Jose Pardal Mungo Park Thomas H Parke Bruce Parker Ian Parker Mansfield Parkyns John E Parsons Charles Partee Bruce D Patterson Frederick Patterson J H Patterson Nigel Pavitt Charlie 'Snaffles' Johnson Payne E H Peacock Francis B Pearce R O Pearse John Pearson Sir Alfred E Pease C V A Peel William Peel Michel Peissel Olga Anastasia Pelensky Alfredo Pelizzoli Norman M Penzer Arthur Blayney Percival Philip H Percival Douglas C Percy Stephen Pern John Perrott Richard Perry John E Peskett Lieutenant John Pester Dr Karl Peters David Petersen Mr & Mrs John Petherick Maria Petringa Jim Phares Ian Phillips Sir Clive Phillipps-Wolley Andrew Phillips John C Phillips Julie Phillips Roger Phillips & Jerome J Knap D W Phillipson Peter & Beverly Pickford Brigadier-General R Pigot Peter Pinney Major Serpa Pinto Adelino Serras Pires C R S Pitman Frederick Edward Pitts James Platt Ian Player R Lambert Playfair E Plewman De Kock Ralph Hudson Plumb Reginald I Pocock Rege Podraza Victor Pohl Milbry Polk and Mary Tiegreen John Pollard Arthur John Osbourne Pollock Fitz William Thomas Pollok Miggs Pomeroy & Catherine Collins Seymour G Pond Tony Pooley Saxton Pope Arthur C Popham Sir Gerald Portal Jim Posewitz Count Joseph Potocki Paul L Potous Arthur Nugent Waldemar Powell Edward Alexander Powell Major P H G Powell-Cotton Lt Col V L Prescott-Westcar Douglas J Preston R O Preston Major P J Pretorius Michael Prettejohn Herbert Edward Pretyman Elizabeth Lees Price John Nicholas Price Wood R J Prickett John Pringle M A Pringle William Pritchard Herbert Probert Walt Prothero S Tristram Pruen Ralph Pulitzer T D S Purdey and Captain J A Purdey Anne Eisner Putnam & Allan Keller Frank Lavallin Puxley

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