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African Hunting Books by Author


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Charles Radclyffe Peter Rainier William S Rainsford Maurice Randall Heinz Randow Oliver Ransford Fred Raper Pir Ali Muhammad Rashdi Dorothy Una Ratcliffe Major R Raven-Hart Al Raychard Major Harry Rayne David Read Winwood Reade Joseph H Reading Mitch Reardon W B Redmayne Alys Reece Monte Reel Clair F Rees Alan Reeve Henry Fenwick Reeve C Lestock Reid J M Reid Deneys Reitz Laura Resnick Mandy Retzlaff Lyle Rexer & Rachel Klein Charles F Rey Alexander Jacob Reynolds David Reynolds E G B Reynolds Lorenzo Ricciardi Mirella Ricciardi William Rice Charles Richards & James Place Hylda Richards James Richardson James Riddell Jim Rikhoff William R Rindone Alan Ritchie Herbert Rittlinger Herb Ritts C A G Rivaz Lord 'Skips' Riverdale Brian Roberts Ned H Roberts Bridget M Robertson Kevin Robertson Wilfrid Robertson Eslanda Goode Robeson Eric Robins Charles Henry Robinson Gregg Robinson Jane Robinson Jimmy Robinson & Barney Lamm Marguerite Roby Phillip T Robinson, Gabriella L Flacke & Knut M Hentschel Robert H Rockwell Jan Roderigues Leo W Roethe Dorothy Rogers Mirabel Rogers W Mitchell Rohlfs Dr Hans Röhlink Rolf Rohwer Francis Rolt-Wheeler Pablo Bush Romero Patricia Romero Earl of Ronaldshay Heather Rooken-Smith Elliott Roosevelt & Anna Eleanor Roosevelt William J W Roome Kermit Roosevelt Kermit Roosevelt Jr Theodore Roosevelt John Roscoe Alexander Rose Jimmie C Rosenbruch & Bill Quimby Eric Rosenthal D R Rosevear Mark C Ross Robert J Ross Robert I Rotberg Rudolph Roth John H Roush Percy Rowe Philip D Rowter Kenneth W Royce Robert Ruark Embry Rucker Leonard Lee Rue III Kathaleen Stevens Rukavina L B Rundall Diana Rupp George G Rushby Mrs Charles E B Russell C E M Russell F Russell John Russell Mary Russell William Howard Russell Margaret G Ryan Peter Ryhiner Martin Rywell

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