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Bowhunting History Books

These bowhunting history books trace the history of archery from prehistoric times to the present day. The longbow features particularly with it's design and use in hunting, warfare and recreation. There is some overlap with practical bowhunting or archery instruction.

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David Gray

Bows Of The World

Bows Of The World by David Gray (2002) is a guide to traditional and primitive bows from around the world, with dimensions, construction details, facts and folklore.

George Agar Hansard

The Book Of Archery

The Book Of Archery by George Agar Hansard (1841)..."Being the Complete History and Practice of the Art, Ancient and Modern, Interspersed with Numerous Interesting Anecdotes, and an Account of the Existing Toxophilite Societies."

E G Heath

Archery: The Modern Approach

Archery: The Modern Approach by E G Heath (1966). This book traces the history of archery from prehistoric times to the present day. For the beginner there is a complete manual of instruction (including photographs and diagrams) on how to shoot, taken from the teachings of some of the masters of the past supplemented by modern methods of coaching and countless tips regarding the sport generally. The expert will find much specialized advice to help him maintain a high standard of bowmanship.

The Art Of Archery

The Art Of Archery by E G Heath (1978) provides both an analysis of what archery is all about plus a clear and detailed guide to the skills of the sport from the basic to the advanced.

Hugh D H Soar

The Crooked Stick: A History Of The Longbow

The Crooked Stick: A History Of The Longbow by Hugh D H Soar (2004). The author, a specialist on traditional archery and the history, design and use of the longbow, shares his expertise in this account of the longbow's origins, beginning with the ancient Saxon seafighters and Welsh craftsmen. He discusses its use in the medieval hunt as well as its more modern recreational use, but most significant is the history of its development and use in warfare, which he traces in depth.

Charles Chenevix Trench

Charles Pocklington Chenevix Trench (1914 - 2003) was originally a British Indian army officer who became a prolific author of books about historical and sporting topics. After his time in India he became a District Commissioner in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya and later in Nanyuki. He learned Swahili and Somali and was seconded to Nairobi to help cope with the Mau Mau Emergency.

A History Of Marksmanship

A History Of Marksmanship by Charles Chenevix Trench (1972). An account of the development of personal weapons, from the Australian Aboriginal boomerangs & woomeras, through a detailed description of the development of the various types of bow, in England, continental Europe & Asia, finally the gun powder-propelled weapon.

The Desert's Dusty Face

The Desert's Dusty Face by Charles Chenevix Trench (1964) describes the author's career as a District Commissioner in Kenya.

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