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C J Andersson Books

Charles John Andersson (1827 - 1867) was a Swedish explorer, hunter and trader as well as an amateur naturalist and ornithologist. He accompanied Sir Francis Galton on his exploration of South West Africa then remained there making further expeditions of his own, reaching the Okavango and the Cunene. Andersson was severely wounded in battle against the Namaquas. He died there in 1867 at the age of 40, and is now considered the most important early European explorer of the region. After his death, Andersson's father, Llewellyn Lloyd edited his notes and published four more books.

Charles John Andersson
Charles John Andersson

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Lake Ngami Or Explorations And Discovery During Four Years Of Wanderings In the Wilds Of South West Africa

Lake Ngami Or Explorations And Discovery During Four Years Of Wanderings In the Wilds Of South West Africa by C J Andersson (1856) describes two expeditions, one in which the author was accompanied by Francis Galton in the Ovampo country and the other when he travelled by himself to Lake Ngami. Free eBook

The Okavango River: A Narrative Of Travel, Exploration And Adventure by C J Andersson (1861) Free eBook

The Lion And The Elephant by C J Andersson (1873) is Andersson's scarcest title and a sought after elephant hunting title as well. Includes stories from other explorers/hunters such as William Cotton Oswell and also stories on other game animals like lions and rhinoceros. Edited by L Lloyd and published posthumously. Free eBook

Notes Of Travel In South-Western Africa

Notes Of Travel In South-Western Africa by C J Andersson (1875). Edited by L Lloyd and published posthumously. Free eBook

Notes Of Travel In South Africa by C J Andersson (1875). Edited by L Lloyd and published posthumously. This is the last record of the adventures of the author, in what became known as German South-West Africa. The narrative being continued up to his death on the banks of the Cunene river. He also described the Ovambo Tribe, a warlike race in the north, and there are interesting notes about the game birds of the country. Not so much hunting as in the author's earlier books because he had been severely wounded in a battle with Namaquas. There is, however, a chapter on leopard hunting.Free eBook

Notes On The Birds Of Damara Land

Notes On The Birds Of Damara Land And The Adjacent Countries Of South-West Africa by C J Andersson (1872) was arranged and edited by John Henry Gurney, with some additional notes by him, and an introductory chapter containing a sketch of the author's life. Published posthumously. Free eBook

Explorations In South Africa With Route From Walfisch Bay To Lake Ngamia And Ascent Of The Tioge River by C J Andersson (1854) is a bound extract from the Royal Geographical Society Journal.

Book About Charles J Andersson

J P R Wallis

Fortune My Foe

Fortune My Foe: The Story Of Charles John Andersson, African Explorer 1827-1867 by J P R Wallis (1936)

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