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Clive W Johnson Books

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Clive W Johnson
Clive W Johnson

With Memsaab On Safari

With Memsaab on Safari by Clive W Johnson (1956) is the account of the Johnson's first safari of thirty days, in central and northern Tanganyika during the rainy season, hunting oryx, eland, lion, buffalo, rhino, waterbuck, wildebeest and other plains game. Johnson and his party were terrible shots and had a somewhat chaotic safari with professional hunter George Dove.

With Memsaab On The Rungwa

With Memsaab On The Rungwa by Clive W Johnson (1958) is an account of the Johnson's second African safari in 1955, this time a 37 day safari in southwest Tanganyika during the dry season, hunting sable, kudu, leopard, hippo, waterbuck, roan and the usual plains game. The shooting was a bit better on this trip and things ran more smoothly. The author hunted with PH George Dove again.

With Memsaab In The Arctic

With Memsaab In The Arctic by Clive W Johnson (1961) is a rare book about a polar bear hunt out of Tromso, Norway, followed by a tourist trip through Moscow and Warsaw.

With Memsaab Set

With Memsaab...3 Volume Set by Clive W Johnson (1956/1958/1961) is a chance to buy all 3 of these scarce African hunting books together.

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