Dr Cuthbert Christy (1863 - 1932) qualified in medicine at the University of Edinburgh. He travelled in Ceylon, East Africa, Uganda, Southern Nigeria, the Gold Coast and the Cameroons. After official posts in the Congo and the Sudan he served during the First World War in Africa and Mesopotamia. He died as a result of being gored by a buffalo while on a zoological expedition in the Congo.
Big Game And Pygmies: Experiences Of A Naturalist In Central African Forests In Quest Of The Okapi by Cuthbert Christy (1924). In the central African forests for elephant, white rhinoceros and buffalo as well as okapi.
Mosquitoes And Malaria: A Summary Of Knowledge On The Subject Up To Date; With An Account Of The Natural History Of Some Mosquitoes by Cuthbert Christy (1900) Free eBook
The Nile Congo Watershed by Cuthbert Christy (1917) is a rare original article from the Geographical Journal, 1917.
The Bahr El-Ghazal And It's Waterways by Cuthbert Christy (1923)is an original article from the Geographical Journal, 1923.
Liberia In 1930 by Cuthbert Christy (1931)is an original article from the Geographical Journal, 1931.
The Ituri River, Forest And Pygmies by Cuthbert Christy (1915)is a complete Geographical Journal, 1915. This is an account containing a detailed description of Ituri River, wild game hunting, pygmies and volcano eruption, pre-dating Christy's 'Big Game and Pygmies' book first published in 1924. An excerpt by Sir Harry H Johnston from the introduction of Christy's book... "Dr Christy has been a persistent and successful hunter but it has been mainly in the cause of science. The Belgian museums, the British and perchance the Americans have been the richer for his prowess."
Notes In The Prevention Of Malaria by Cuthbert Christy (1930). These notes were originally prepared by Major Cuthbert Christy for the instruction of troops in East Africa.
The African Rubber Industry And Funtumia Elastica by Cuthbert Christy (1911)
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