Major Sir Gerald Burrard (1888 - 1965) 8th Baronet, DSO, RFA was born in India where his father, Sir Sidney Gerald Burrard, was Surveyor-General of India and who surveyed much of the Himalayas. Burrard was the author of many quintessential reference works on sporting guns and rifles.
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In The Gunroom by Gerald Burrard (1930). One hundred questions concerning shot guns answered by one of the greatest gun experts. A unique and necessary little book to every man who handles guns or rifles for it gives information that is not obtainable elsewhere
Guns And Shooting: 153 Questions And Answers For The Sportsman And Collector by Gerald Burrard (1962)
The Identification Of Firearms And Forensic Ballistics by Gerald Burrard (1934). Burrard was an early pioneer in the science of forensic ballistics. The work which introduced the forensic examination of firearms and ammunition to the judicial system.
Cartridges For Sporting Rifles by Gerald Burrard (Date Unknown)
The Modern Shotgun: Volume 1: The Gun by Gerald Burrard (1931)
The Modern Shotgun: Volume 2: The Cartridge by Gerald Burrard (1931)
The Modern Shotgun: Volume 3: The Gun And The Cartridge by Gerald Burrard (1948) is a classic and comprehensive work on the sporting shotgun. This volume dealing with guns and cartridges.
Notes On Sporting Rifles For Use in India And Elsewhere by Gerald Burrard (1920) gives descriptions and details of rifles for Indian big game, shooting generally, jungle and hill shooting.
Fly Tying: Principles And Practice by Gerald Burrard (1940). Contrary to modern belief the art of tying of both trout and salmon flies can be learned more readily from the written word than almost any other manual art. The result of this book is that the beginner can learn as easily as if he were watching an expert at work. A complete and concise work which has never been surpassed.
Big Game Hunting In The Himalayas And Tibet by Gerald Burrard (1925) is a comprehensive guide to hunting in the Himalayas which includes bear, ibex, markhor and leopard.
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