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Ida Hurst Books

Ida Hurst was a British author who decided to quit her job as a typist and travel the world. Her identity is rather a mystery and it is likely 'Ida Hurst' was a pseudonym. She best known for her many adventurous travel books and two novels which are all increasingly hard to find.

Her other scarce travel books to look out for are...'Wander-Thirst', 'Dare To Live', 'Break Away!' and 'Typist in China'. Her other novel is 'I'll Walk Beside You'.

Vagabond Typist In Africa: Abyssinia And The Gulf

Vagabond Typist In Africa: Abyssinia And The Gulf by Ida Hurst (1937) is an account of the author's travel in Africa, armed only with a hair pin and a cheap pair of glasses. When it came out, it was advertised as 'an excessively frank book' which was likely due to the inclusion of a discussion on circumcision the author had with a Kenyan on a dhow.

I've Been Around

I've Been Around by Ida Hurst (1936) is a further account of the author's travels which includes Prague and Zanzibar. There is also much about wrought iron and oxy-acetyline welding.

African Heart-Beat: A Novel

African Heart-Beat: A Novel by Ida Hurst (1946)

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