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James William Best Books

The Honorable James William Best (1882 - 1960) was a British forestry officer in central India.

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Indian Shikar Notes: With Special Reference To The Central Provinces

Indian Shikar Notes: With Special Reference To The Central Provinces by James William Best (1922). Hunting tigers, panthers, buffalo, bear, wild pigs, deer and small game. The appendix lists rules and regulations for hunting in India and list books. The author was in the Imperial Forest Service of India.

Shikar Notes For Novices

Shikar Notes For Novices by James William Best (1920)

Forest Life In India

Forest Life In India by James William Best (1935) is an account of work and sport in the forests that the author has visited where he studied tiger, buffalo and bison as well as the many deer of the Central Provinces of India.

Tiger Days

Tiger Days by James William Best (1931)

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