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John Gordon Davis Books

John Gordon Davis (1936 - 2014) was a prolific author and lawyer, born in southern Rhodesia and educated in South Africa. His first book, 'Hold My Hand I'm Dying' became an instant best-seller with other bestselling novels following. He retired to Spain and ran writing courses for both aspiring and published authors, until his death at the age of 78.

Taller Than Trees

Taller Than Trees by John Gordon Davis (1975) is a novel about the epic struggle to the death between the elephant Dhlolamiti and the hunter Jumbo McGuire.

Operation Rhino

Operation Rhino by John Gordon Davis (1972) is the true story of an attempt to save the black rhino from poachers by capturing them and translocating them to Gonarezhou wildlife preserve. The author, a novelist, took part in the operation, tells the tales of the close-calls, unexpected problems and pitfalls of the project.

Hold My Hand I'm Dying

Hold My Hand I'm Dying by John Gordon Davis (1967) is the author's first novel about the two loves in the life of Joseph Mahoney - his native land, Rhodesia and a woman. Author has been compared to Robert Ruark and his writings about Kenya.

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