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Lady Florence Dixie Books

Lady Florence Caroline Dixie (1855 - 1905), the daughter of the Marquis of Queensbury, was a British traveller, war correspondent, writer, feminist and sportswoman. She travelled and hunted extensively in Patagonia before being appointed as a news correspondent in South Africa, covering the Boer War.

In Patagonia, Dixie encountered a family of jaguars which, she explained, "attacked me and followed me up a tree". "In self-defence," she said, "I was obliged to shoot (the mother) but saved one of the cubs from the gauchos". Dixie was so taken with the jaguar cub that she took him home to London with her. He lived with the Dixie family until he attacked several deer in Windsor Great Park and, as a result, was sent to London Zoo.

Lady Florence Dixie
Lady Florence Dixie

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In The Land Of Misfortune

In The Land Of Misfortune by Lady Florence Dixie (1882). In South Africa she spent most of her time astride a horse hunting rather than reporting the war and the text reflects her interest in sport and exotic meals. Free eBook

Across Patagonia

Across Patagonia by Lady Florence Dixie (1881). When asked in 1879 why she wanted to travel to such an outlandish place as Patagonia, the author replied without hesitation that she was taking to the saddle in order to flee from the strict confines of polite Victorian society. "Palled with civilization and its surroundings, I wanted to escape to some place where I might be as far removed from them as possible. A longing grows up within one to taste a more vigorous emotion than that afforded." Free eBook

The Two Castaways Or Adventures In Patagonia

The Two Castaways: Or Adventures In Patagonia by Lady Florence Dixie (1900)

Redeemed In Blood

Redeemed In Blood by Lady Florence Dixie (1889) is again set in Patagonia and describes ostrich-hunting and prairie-fires with much enthusiasm and vigorous writing. The story begins in Scotland, but the writer does not seem so much at home there as on a South American plain, where she breathes a freer and less civilised atmosphere. Free ebook Vol I Free eBook Vol II Free eBook Vol III

The Young Castaways: Or The Child Hunters Of Patagonia

The Young Castaways: Or The Child Hunters Of Patagonia by Lady Florence Dixie (1890)

Gloriana: Or The Revolution Of 1900

Gloriana: Or The Revolution Of 1900 by Lady Florence Dixie (1890) is a utopian reform novel dealing with women's rights, as well as the unification of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales in an Imperial Federation. Free eBook

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