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Miles Bredin Books

Miles Bredin (b.1965) is a British journalist and author who lives in Kenya.

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Sixty Years Of Safari: 1946 - 2006

Sixty Years Of Safari: 1946 - 2006 by Miles Bredin (2006) covers the history of Ker & Downey Safaris from its founding in 1946 to publication of this book in 2006. It recounts the change from hunting safaris to photographic safaris, from utilitarian to luxurious, from month-long walking safaris to week long heli-safaris. It is a story full of glamour, fun and excitement, illustrated with a spectacular collection of photographs.

Blood On The Tracks: A Rail Journey From Angola To Mozambique

Blood On The Tracks: A Rail Journey From Angola To Mozambique by Miles Bredin (1995) is about the railway that links the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. It starts in the deserted port of Lobito, in Angola and meanders through three civil wars, five countries, a couple of rain forests and the history of 20th-century Africa, to Beira in Mozambique. On its rails it has carried diamonds, cobalt, copper, refugees, food, mercenaries and weapons.

The Pale Abyssinian: A Life Of James Bruce, African Explorer And Adventurer

The Pale Abyssinian: A Life Of James Bruce, African Explorer And Adventurer by Miles Bredin (2000). After 12 years of travels James Bruce returned to England only to be ridiculed and despised as a fake by Samuel Johnson and others. It was only when explorers penetrated the African interior 100 years later, that it was finally confirmed that Bruce really had achieved what he had claimed.

Born Wild

Born Wild:The Extraordinary Story Of One Man's Passion For Africa by Tony Fitzjohn & Miles Bredin (2010). The author is best known for the eighteen years he spent helping George Adamson return more than forty leopards and lions - including the lion called Christian - to the wild in central Kenya. This book, written with Miles Bredin, is the memoir of Fitzjohn’s life which included being a bouncer in a brothel, surviving a lion attack and fighting with the Tanzanian government.


Laikipia By Miles Bredin (2012) is a coffee table book featuring the landscapes, wildlife and peoples of the Laikipia plateau in Kenya. With photographs by Tui de Roy and Mark Jones.

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