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Modern Hunting Client Books

The modern hunting client books are written by some old-time hunting clients whose careers spanned from the 'Golden Era' well into modern times, as well as those who started hunting Africa fairly recently.

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Ernest Abernathy

Ernest Abernathy was an American physician, hunter and conservationist. After much hunting in North America, Jack O'Connor, the shooting editor of Outdoor Life magazine influenced Ernest Abernathy's decision to go to Africa. After his safari he retired from hunting and for many years was active in various wildlife conservation groups and associations, including his favourite, Ducks Unlimited, where he has raised many tens of thousands of dollars.

Safari-Safari: Chasing The Big Five In Botswana And Tanzania, Africa

Safari-Safari: Chasing The Big Five In Botswana And Tanzania, Africa by Ernest Abernathy MD (2005) is the story of author's ventures into Africa, where a realization came while dealing with a rhino that effectively led to his evolution from being a dedicated hunter into a life concentrating on the conservation of wildlife and retiring from hunting altogether at the ripe old age of forty. This book contains the tales of a hunting safari in Botswana in the days before it became so well-known and popular and a safari in Tanzania.

Memoirs Of A Medicine Man

Memoirs Of A Medicine Man by Ernest Abernathy MD (2005) are the true stories about the people the author encountered in his forty year career in the practice of medicine. Kindle Version

Tough Bears Don't Dance

Tough Bears Don't Dance by Ernest Abernathy MD (2011) continues the author's hunting experiences in Alaska, Cuba, Colombia, Honduras, Canada's Lac Seul Wilderness, the Eastern Shore of Maryland's Chesapeake Bay for Canada Geese and a revisit to Africa. His adventures include encounters with emerald smugglers, the Colombian Medelin Cartel bosses, prostitution, confrontation with Russian 'freedom fighters' from Nicaragua's revolution, murder and witch doctors, being attacked by a bear and a Cuban dog and being lost in a frozen wilderness tundra.

Donald R Adams

East Africa 1960's: By Camera And Diary

East Africa 1960's: By Camera And Diary by Donald R Adams (2019) describes events and adventures which occurred during 2 years (1961-1963), when the author went to East Africa with his US graduate colleagues as teachers. It includes tales of their 5 road trips, events during two years of teaching and living in the remote village in Tanganyika and their numerous hunting trips.

Russell Barnett Aitken

Russell Barnett Aitken (1910 - 2002) was an American artist, expert marksman, big-game hunter and adventure writer. He took a seven month long safari to Africa in 1947.

Great Game Animals Of The World

Great Game Animals Of The World by Russell Barnett Aitken (1968). The late hunter and sportsman Russell Barnett Aitken was also an accomplished photographer. This book contains photographs of almost all big game animals he hunted during his lifetime - from Marco Polo sheep to African elephant, from rhino to leopard, lion, buffalo, the Bengal tiger and hunting jaguar with Sasha Siemel in the Brazilian Jungles and much more.

Sauro Albertini

Dall'Africa A Katmandu

Dall'Africa A Katmandu: Racconti Di Un Cacciatore Ticinese by S Albertini (1995) (In Italian). Hunting in Nepal, CAR, Ethiopia, Zaire, Iran and Mongolia. Albertini only shot the glamour game and not the tiny ten. One of the few books with contemporary accounts on the Zaire, a country in which the author tried to establish a safari industry. This book is currently unavailable.

Arnold Alward

Arnold Alward was a Canadian businessman who sold his businesses and spent the next eighteen years hunting, taking nearly all the world's important big-game species, which eventually won him the Weatherby Award. In Ethiopia, he took a 115 lb tusker on the tenth day of the hunt then he continued to take a mountain nyala.

To Heck with It, I'm Going Hunting

To Heck With It,I'm Going Hunting: My First Eighteen Years As An International Big Game Hunter by Arnold Alward with Bill Quimby (2003) is the story of Alward's hunts around the world. Alward's hunts were always full of adventure such as landing in Zambia during a rebellion and reaching his hunting camp where local wardens had just killed several poachers. He was also on a hunt when his guide was killed in a car crash and hunted in Sudan during one of its civil wars.

Jack Atcheson

Hunting Adventures Worldwide

Hunting Adventures Worldwide by Jack Atcheson (1995). From his first hunting experiences in southwestern Montana at the age of 12, Atcheson chronicles the adventures of a lifetime spent in quest of big game across the world - including Africa, North America and Asia.

G C Bailey

The Long Road To Africa

The Long Road To Africa by G C Bailey (2023) chronicles the author's hunting exploits for dangerous game during a 21 day safari in South Africa.

Jim Bailey

Jimbo Jambo And The Tsetse Fly: A Hunting Safari Adventure In Tanzania, East Africa 1987 by Jim Bailey (2014)

Peter Barrett

Treasury Of African Hunting

Treasury Of African Hunting edited by Peter Barrett (1970). The twenty-six articles in this book are a permanent record of how it was to hunt and to live in the African bush in the halcyon days of the sixties. Articles are by writers and outdoorsmen such as Russell B Aitkin, Elgin Gates, Jack O'Connor, Warren Page, Jim Rikhoff, Kermit Roosevelt, Erwin Bauer, Pete Brown, Frank E Delano, William A Fisher and others.

Great True Hunts

Great True Hunts edited by Peter Barrett (1967). From Mozambique to Mexico, from the great Hindu Kush to the Middle East, the Sahara, Alaska - wherever the world's big game is sought come these adventures with hunters and famous men, including the Shah of Iran, Tito of Yugoslavia, King Paul of Greece, Roy Rogers, Prince Bernhard, Kirk Douglas, Joe Foss. Includes hunting for polar bear, red sheep, tuskers, big cats, Marco Polo sheep and more.

In Search Of Trout

In Search Of Trout by Peter Barrett (1967). You'll learn a revolutionary fly-casting method that will allow you to make accurate casts of ninety feet and more. There is information and advice that will enable you to read a trout stream, find fish hiding spots, check currents and decide when to use live bait and when to use flies.

David Bartlett

Zimbabwe Elephant Hunt 2008

Zimbabwe Elephant Hunt 2008 by David Bartlett (2009) is a first-person account of the beauty, danger and corruption he encountered on his travels in Zimbabwe. A thrilling and touching account of one hunter's friendships and close calls. The book outlines not only the hurdles international hunting travelers face when in a heavily sanctioned country oppressed by human rights violations, but also the ways in which the people of these countries rise above it all to welcome visitors.

Hunting Namibia: A Brief Hunting Survey Of Namibia

Hunting Namibia: A Brief Hunting Survey Of Namibia by David Bartlett (2015) includes stories from almost ten years of safari hunting in Namibia. This book offers helpful tips to those thinking about hunting in Namibia as well as stories that may seem familiar to those that have. Much on tracking kudu and eland near Bushmanland then moves to dangerous game in the Caprivi and the escarpment above.

Keith Winfield Bates

Safaris Revisited: The Best Of Safari Magazine Of The 1970s

Safaris Revisited: The Best Of Safari Magazine Of The 1970s compiled by Keith Winfield Bates (1991) is a collection of some of the most popular stories printed in Safari Magazine in the 1970s, including hunts in Africa, Alaska, India and others. Some books come as 2 volumes, including 'The Best Of Safari Magazine Of The 1980s'.

Charles Bazzy

Sun Over The Dark Continent

Sun Over The Dark Continent: Fifty-four Years Of Big-Game Hunting In Sudan, Tanganyika, Zambia, Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Cameroon And Elsewhere In Africa by Charles Bazzy (2009) with professional hunters including Clary Palmer-Wilson and John Kingsley-Heath.

Hunting From The Bottom To Top Of The World by Charles Bazzy (2015) is a scarce book of the author's worldwide hunting experiences.

Bob Bell

Outdoors Stupid From Around The World

Outdoors Stupid From Around The World by Bob Bell (2018) relates stories told to him by guides, outfitters, professional hunters and their clients. It includes the tradition of questionable judgment and bad luck encountered with pumas, hogs, lions, hippos, buffalo, leopards, elephants, snakes and many more animals.

Barney Berlinger

Bernard E Berlinger (1908 - 2002) was an Olympic sportsman in 1928 and avid trap-shooter. He became a very keen world-wide big-game hunter and became founding president of the African Safari Club of Philadelphia.

Danger Down The Sights

Danger Down The Sights by Barney Berlinger (1964) is a colourful adventure book of hunting dangerous game, mainly in Africa but also in Alaska and Canada. Berlinger hunted with Harry Selby and his book is one of the few older titles about hunting with Selby.

Glenn T Bingham

Alaskan Sunrise To African Sunset

Alaskan Sunrise To African Sunset by Glenn T Bingham (2008) is a collection of stories about the author's hunting experiences which include hunting whitetails and mule deer in the Rocky Mountains, dall sheep in the Arctic Circle and Cape buffalo in Zimbabwe.

Roy C Boecher

Roy C Boecher (1906 - 1993) was an American hunter and angler who was elected to the Oklahoma State Senate in 1948 where he served until his retirement in 1974. He was later appointed to the Oklahoma Wildlife Commission. Roy Boecher hunted and fished on three continents and was a firm believer that the best way to protect the future of game populations is through accurate knowledge.

Born Under A Lucky Star

Born Under A Lucky Star: An Account Of Good Fortune As Experienced By A Lifetime Of Hunting Experiences Around The Globe by Roy C Boecher (1979) are tales of hunting North America for bear, sheep, mountain lion and elk. In Africa, the author hunted in Rwanda with John Northcote as his professional hunter. He took elephant, lion, eland, Cape buffalo and plains game in Africa, did some trout fishing in Canada and turkey hunting nearer to home.

Adar Bray

Two Brothers: Botswana July 1994 by Adar Bray (1994) is a self-published book about the hunting safari the the two Bray Brothers took in 1994 in Botswana. Numerous colour photos of their camps, animals shot etc.

Four Brothers...Namibia: Safari In Eden

Four Brothers...Namibia: Safari In Eden by Adrian 'Adar' Bray (2001) is a privately published account of the brothers hunting kudu, hartebeest, steenbok, zebra, wildebeest, springbok, warthog, gemsbok and other game in Namibia.

Don Bricker

Just Along For The Ride

Just Along For The Ride by Don Bricker (2012) The author is a keen big game hunter whose adventures in Africa take up most of the book. He also covers his big game hunts in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.

Botswana Hunt Photo Album 1969

Big Game Hunting In Botswana

Big Game Hunting In Botswana is a photograph album of a 1969 hunt in Botswana in 1969 with Ker Downey & Selby Safaris Ltd. It is attributed to a Mr Yearly, who may be Charles Yearly from Atlanta, Georgia. The album contains 130 colour photographs, the client's trophy list, two stickers of the presidential seal of South Africa and an additional larger photo. Includes trophy photographs, hunting camps, safari views.

Rick Boyer

Mzungu Mjinga: Swahili For Crazy White Man

Mzungu Mjinga: Swahili For Crazy White Man by Rick Boyers (2004) is a memoir of a hunter's first safari to Tanzania seeking a Cape buffalo.

Jose Bravo

Africa Mia

Africa Mia by Jose Bravo (2019) is a personal account of amusing, weird, humorous and otherwise diverse of experiences in Africa while on safari. It encompasses more than 35 safaris and more than 25 years, including hunts in Ethiopia and Cameroon.

John W Buckley & Peter P Wiley

If The Crocodiles Permit by John W Buckley & Peter P Wiley (1974) is a privately published memoir of a hunting trip to Zambia. A great big game hunting trip in true safari tradition with much on lion hunting. Currently unavailable.

David Cabela

Two Hearts, One Passion: Dick And Mary Cabela's Hunting Chronicles

Two Hearts, One Passion: Dick And Mary Cabela's Hunting Chronicles by David and Mary Cabela (2005). Together, Dick and Mary Cabela have discovered a life of adventure - a life of hunting, fishing and the sporting tradition. It includes tales about hunting upland birds on the Nebraska plains, kudu in Zimbabwe, water buffalo in Australia and mountain nyala in Ethiopia.

Cabela's: World's Foremost Outfitter: A History

Cabela's: World's Foremost Outfitter: A History by David Cabela (2001) is the history of the giant Nebraska sporting goods store.

Two Hearts In Tanzania

Two Hearts in Tanzania: Dick and Mary Cabela's Hunting Chronicles II by David Cabela (2010) are further tales of Dick and Mary Cabela's search for adventure. They met Cotton Gordon, a renowned professional hunter. Dick Cabela stalks a world-class lion, tracks a buffalo and sits in the dark waiting for his leopard. Mary Cabela takes her first lion and then goes on to take three of the Big 5.

Two Hearts in Tanzania: Dick and Mary Cabela's Hunting Chronicles II

Terrance Cacek

Solo Safari

Solo Safari: Hunting Africa on Your Own Without a Professional Hunter by Terrance Cacek (1994). As the preface makes clear, this does not mean the author hunted alone, but rather he organized the guides and helpers for himself. It is the story of Terry Cacek who hunted elephant, buffalo, leopard and plains game in Zimbabwe and Botswana on his own. In addition there are chapters by Jerry Weaver (hunting buffalo and gazelle in the Sudan), Charles Craver (hunting dwarf buffalo in Liberia), T N Alexakos (buffalo and waterbuck in Benin), Charles Puff (Zimbabwe) and well-known Cameroon expert Reinald von Meurers. It includes a lengthy appendix with tips for do-it-yourself safaris.

Professional Hunters For A Changing Africa

Professional Hunters For A Changing Africa by Terry Cacek (2004) recounts the adventures of 16 non-traditional professional hunters as they take on the big game of Africa. The book also explains how two Americans earned their licenses in the past ten years, proving it can still be done.

Michael P Callender

Roaming With A Rifle: Big Game Hunting In Africa And Other Faraway Places

Roaming With A Rifle: Big Game Hunting In Africa And Other Faraway Places by Michael Callender (2000) are his tales of hunting in the Congo, Central African Republic, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia. He also went to Tajikistan for Marco Polo sheep and to the Arctic for polar bear. Buffalo are one of Callender's favourite game animals and one time he got 'smashed' by a buffalo.

Roger Card

A Hunter's Journey

A Hunter's Journey by Roger Card (1999) recounts this American hunter's experiences around the world - in Africa, North and South America, Europe and the South Pacific. Includes hunting giant eland, polar bear, jaguar, caribou, African big five, bongo and sitatunga.

Jim Carmichel

Classic Carmichel: Stories From The Field

Classic Carmichel: Stories From The Field by Jim Carmichel (2016) features the author's hunting adventures and firearms expertise from 40 years as the editor of Outdoor Life magazine. His African hunting tales include one about "the monster 'dead' crocodile that came back to life twice and almost killed him on Zimbabwe’s Zambezi River, also known as the River of Death".

Jim Carmichel's Book Of The Rifle

Jim Carmichel's Book Of The Rifle By Jim Carmichel (1985) is an invaluable work for the big game hunter, rifleman, gunsmith, ballistician and arms historian. It contains lots of factual information, anecdotes and opinions derived from a lifetime devoted to "makin" it shoot better.

Edward Cartier

Breakfast By Moonlight

Breakfast By Moonlight by Edward Cartier (2012) True outdoor adventures from the New Jersey hills to the hills of Africa. Kindle version only.

Glen A Catt

Out There Somewhere: One Man's Quest For Hunting Adventures

Out There Somewhere: One Man's Quest For Hunting Adventures by Glen A Catt (2019) is a compilation of hunting short stories which include coming eye-to-eye with a mountain lion, being charged in a blind by a leopard and stalking a wounded Cape buffalo.

Johnny Chilton

Johnny Chilton first went to Africa in 1975. He met PH Gerard Miller who gave him a job in a safari company so he got to hunt in his spare time.

A Bullet Well Placed: One Hunter's Adventures Around The World

A Bullet Well Placed: One Hunter's Adventures Around The World by Johnny Chilton (2005) are the author's hunting experiences in Africa, Mongolia for sheep, Alaska for caribou and brown bear, Australia for water bffalo and Kamchatka for more bear.

Out Of Bullets! More Tales Of Adventure

Out Of Bullets! More Tales Of Adventure by Johnny Chilton (2011) is Chilton's second book on his African, Asian, and North American hunting adventures.

Steve Christenson

From The Okavango To The Plains Of East Africa: Hunting In Botswana and Tanzania 1977-1996

From The Okavango To The Plains Of East Africa: Hunting In Botswana and Tanzania 1977-1996 by Steve Christenson (2011) is the story of a novice who went to Africa only to have his dreams shaken, yet rose from despair because of exceptional mentoring and guidance from renowned professional hunters Wally Johnson and Willie Engelbrecht. It was Willie Engelbrecht who encouraged Christenson to start hunting in Tanzania with PH George Angelides, so after three dramatic safaris in Botswana, Christenson plied his skills in Tanzania the first year the country reopened to hunting. There, Christenson not only took elephant, buffalo, leopard and lion, but he also went on hunts for rarities such as Abbott's duiker.

From The Congo Basin To The Highlands Of Ethiopia

From The Congo Basin To The Highlands Of Ethiopia by Steve Christenson (2012). If you want to know what it's really like to battle a stifling rainforest for bongo or a blistering savanna for giant eland or a lofty moorland for mountain nyala, this is your book. Christenson also depicts an unprecedented adventure into the Red Sea Hills for Nubian ibex and a self-guided expedition to "hell on earth" for rare West African trophies.

Worldwide Hunting Conditions

Worldwide Hunting Conditions by Steven C Christenson (1986). Members of the Shikar Safari Club pooled their knowledge and contacts to produce this book which covers the hunting grounds of the world with photos of the best trophies taken by club members.

Guy Coheleach

Guy Coheleach (1933) is an American wildlife artist, best known for his paintings of big cats. In part for his artistic reference, he hunted in Africa with John Dugmore, John Lawrence, Mike Bartlett and others. He has illustrated many hunting books including those of Terry Wieland and Jim Rikhoff.

The Big Cats: The Paintings Of Guy Coheleach

The Big Cats: The Paintings of Guy Coheleach by Guy Coheleach (1982) is a collection of Coheleach's magnificent full colour paintings and sketches of the world's big cats. Nancy Neff, a leading expert in the area of felines, provided the technical text.

Masters Of The Wild - Guy Coheleach

Masters Of The Wild by Guy Coheleach (1990). In the mid 1960s he discovered the life and death drama on the plains of Africa. With insight gained from harrowing experiences with elephants and Cape buffalo, and with skill derived from a lifetime of dedication to art, Coheleach has become one of the foremost painters of African animals. Text by Terry Wieland.

The African Lion As Man-Eater

The African Lion As Man-Eater by Guy Coheleach (2003)is filled with information about the natural history and life of the African lion with accounts of attacks on humans in East & Southern Africa.

Guy Coheleach's Animal Art

Guy Coheleach's Animal Art by Guy Coheleach (1994) reveals the character of the animals he has observed and that sometimes have charged, chewed, ambushed and stomped him.

Edouard-Pierre Decoster

Edouard-Piere Decoster is the son of a French industrialist, brough up in Northern France, and only introduced to Africa as an adult through national service in the interior of Algeria.

Breath Of Africa

Breath Of Africa by Edouard-Pierre Decoster (2003) relates the author's memories of forty years of travelling and hunting in Africa for lion, buffalo, leopard, waterbuck, kudu, eland, antelope and elephant. The author has hunted in East and West Africa and along the great Zambezi River and he has kept clear of game farms that offer "fast food" types of hunts. The author pursued the giant eland numerous times simply because they are a challenge to hunt and live in difficult-to-reach places.

José Alfredo Martínez De Hoz

José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz (1925 - 2013) was a Argentinian lawyer, Government minister, businessman and keen big game hunter.

A Sporting Life: The Memoirs Of A Big-Game Hunter

A Sporting Life: The Memoirs Of A Big-Game Hunter by José A Martínez De Hoz (2007). The author considers himself an average international hunter and writes about the difficulties an amateur faces when going on safari. He justifies his writings on the grounds that his adventures could prove useful, entertaining and downright helpful. He also enhances the events he relates by putting them in the broader context of history, geography, nature, wildlife and human characteristics. Many events are both humorous and enlightening, such as his tale on how to be deserving to hunt a lion or how to deal with a Mongolian interpreter who gets drunk on the eve of taking a High Altai argali.

Jorge Del Rosal

My Hunting

My Hunting by Jorge Del Rosal (2012) contains stories of 7 elephant hunts, almost as many for lion and leopard and numerous Cape buffalo hunts throughout Africa. Also there is hunting jaguar & puma in South America as well as in Europe, Canada, Australia & the US. Currently unavailable.

Sacha De Montbel

Count Xavier 'Sacha' Montbel (1926 - 2007) was a French journalist, cigarette manufacturer and big game hunter. He went to Africa at 23 years of age and stayed 20 years. He made more than 40 hunting expeditions worldwide.

Big Game Hunting

Big Game Hunting by Sacha De Montbel (2000) includes the giant tuskers of the CAR, the elusive Marco Polo sheep of the Pamirs, the markhor from the Himalayas, as well as a giant buffalo from Tanzania.
Grandes Cacerías is the Spanish edition (1995).

Daniel J Donarski Jr

21 Days In Africa: A Hunter's Safari Journal

21 Days In Africa: A Hunter's Safari Journal by Daniel J Donarski Jr (2008) is a personal and chatty account of a three-week safari in contemporary South Africa. Entertaining narrative with much useful advice for hunters keen on following the author's example. It contains suggestions for planning your own African safari, with tips on rifle and bullet selection, travel insurance, clothing and pre-safari preparations, including physical fitness and filling out the numerous required forms. Includes hunting wildebeest, bushbuck, reedbuck, eland, gemsbok, impala, kudu, nyala, hartebeest, springbok, warthogs, genets, jackals, baboons and zebras. The author specifically does not deal with lion, leopard, elephant, rhino or buffalo.

Jamel DuBois

Guns Over Africa

Guns Over Africa by Jamel DuBois (2011) is the author's affirmation that hunting contributes to the economy of developing countries within the rules of international wildlife conservation. It includes accounts of his hunting trips in South Africa and Zimbabwe, when as an editor at 'Petersen's Hunting' magazine and 'Guns' magazine, he got to showcase new hunting gear products in the field. Kindle only.

Kevin Duffy

Kevin Duffy was born in Ireland and became a qualified auto engineer and hunter. He took a job in Kenya where he hunted buffalo, leopard and elephant before swapping his rifle for a cine camera to make wildlife films.

Black Elephant Hunter

Black Elephant Hunter by Kevin Duffy (1960) is an authentic account of elephant hunting in the Luangwa Valley, Northern Rhodesia, where the author, a young Irishman, went on safari to record on cine film, the tracking and final dispatch of a bull elephant by a black hunter named Yose, armed with an ancient muzzleloader.

East African Hunting Safari Photo Album

East Africa Hunting Safari

East Africa Hunting Safari: Photograph Album (1968) contains 41 photographs of a hunting safari which is attributed to C Cree Gable, due to the name on a loose Kodak envelope in the album. C Cree Gable (1887 - 1974) could have been the owner of a furniture business in Indiana.

Michael A Engster

Adventure Bound: Hunting: What Else?

Adventure Bound: Hunting: What Else? by Michael A Engster (2019) is an account of the author's three decades of hunting - blue wildebeest in Africa, roe deer in Germany and water buffalo in Argentina.

Chuck Epping

Old 721

Old 721: The 35-year Hunting Saga Of A Man And His Rifle by Chuck Epping (1983) is the privately published account of the author's big game hunting adventures in North America including bagging elk, moose, Dall sheep in the Yukon, and other game. More than half of the book is about his safaris in Africa where he collected the Big Five as well as kudu, eland, and other plains game. His rifle of choice was a Remington Model 721 in .30-06 calibre.

Roger Fawcett

Softies On Safari

Softies On Safari by Roger Fawcett (1958). Six friends seek the big five on a 21-day hunt in Tanganyika, British East Africa. A diary of hunting elephant, rhino, lion, leopard, buffalo, eland and other game, with professional hunters Patrick Hemingway and George Dove.

Thomas K Fawcett

Thomas Knowlton Fawcett was a son of Roger K Fawcett (1909 - 1979), vice president and general manager of Fawcett Publications. His book 'Bonanza In Mozambique' is frequently erroneously listed under the name, Roger K Fawcett and vice versa. Both were keen big game hunters.

Bonanza In Mozambique

Bonanza In Mozambique: The Diary Of A 1961 Big Game Hunt Out Of Beria, Mozambique By Members Of The Fawcett Family by Thomas K Fawcett (1961) is as titled the account of a hunt in Mozambique. Roger K Fawcett was in the hunting party as was Joe Foss, a former South Dakota Governor.

Ernest H Fletcher

Africa: The Trip Of A Lifetime

Africa: The Trip Of A Lifetime by Ernest H Fletcher (1954) An account of an East African safari largely for lion, elephant, rhino and buffalo with white hunter Owen McCallum.

Henry T Folsom

Rendevous In The Bush

Rendevous In The Bush by Henry Folsom (1999). From a father's safari in British East Africa in 1913 to a young man's first safari in Tanzania in 1971 and his safaris continuously into the 1990s, this book shares the joys and thrills of African big game hunting over decades. Just as his father, H Lloyd Folsom, hunted with the legendary George Outram, so Hank Folsom hunted with David Ommanney, who wrote the foreword.

Elgin T Gates

Elgin T Gates (d.1988) was one of the most respected international hunters and a Weatherby Award winner in 1960. Hunting with professional hunter, Jack Blacklaws, he opened many new areas to hunting in Africa.

Trophy Hunter In Africa

Trophy Hunter In Africa by Elgin T Gates (1988) is his only book on African big game hunting. It covers hunting in various African countries including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, the Sudan, Belgian Congo and South Africa taking trophy animals each time. As the author was looking only for record size trophies, he carried the Rowland Ward book everywhere he went. One of the elephants he bagged carried a pair of tusks weighing 176 lbs and 181 lbs. It was Gate's last book written just before his death.

Trophy Hunter In Asia

Trophy Hunter In Asia by Elgin T Gates (1971) covers a wide range of hunting in many countries in Asia including tiger and leopard hunting in India, buffalo hunting in Australia, various sheep including Marco Polo, Ovis Ammon, Ibex, Markhor and many others in the mountains.

The Gun Digest Book Of Metallic Silhouette Shooting

The Gun Digest Book Of Metallic Silhouette Shooting by Elgin T Gates (1979). "Nothing has ever hit the shooting world with the dramatic impact of the metallic silhouette game. It is the most interesting and exhilarating sport that has appeared on the horizon in many a year."

Tim Good

Zimbabwe Safari

Zimbabwe Safari: A Memoir By Tim Good by Tim Good (2002) is the story of the author's hunting safaris in Zimbabwe over a decade. This memoir is a summary of those safaris, written as a compilation of his hunts for different species, as well as his experiences with the people and culture of Zimbabwe.

Stewart Granger

Stewart Granger (1913 – 1993) was a British born Hollywood actor who was a very keen big game hunter. Among his many films, he is probably remembered best for playing Allan Quatermain in 'King Solomon's Mines' in 1950. Granger was particularly interested in elephant hunting and owned 2 unusual .577's by Westley Richards. He went on many African safaris including 2 with PH Terence Owen Mathews.

Stewart Granger
Stewart Granger

Sparks Fly Upward

Sparks Fly Upward by Stewart Granger (1981). As well discussing his tempestuous private life and movie-making, this autobiography describes his near-fatal accidents in film stunts and narrow escapes from wild animals while filming in Africa and India.

Philip Stephen Gray

A Fenman In Africa: Or A Letter From Rhodesia

A Fenman In Africa: Or A Letter From Rhodesia by Philip Stephen Gray (2006) This is the author's diary of a stay on a Rhodesian farm and a hunting camp in the African bush, with related correspondence. In 1959 Gray bought a copy of Nigel Thornycroft's 'Fowler's Moon' about coastal fowling on the salt marshes of The Wash, and described many places that the young Gray knew. He wrote to Thornycroft, by now farming in Rhodesia, beginning a long correspondence and friendship. Many of their letters are reproduced here, discussing wildfowling and giving vivid first-hand descriptions of the last days of the old Rhodesia and the beginning of Mugabe's regime. Gray describes his 1981 hunting safari on the Zambesi with the Thornycroft family.

Dr Joseph C Greenfield Jr

Joseph Cholmondeley Greenfield Jr (1931 - 2020) was a distinguished American Professor of Medicine who, among his many other interests, was a champion marksman whose greatest love was quail hunting. He also hunted in Africa many times.

Bwana Babu

Bwana Babu by Dr Joseph Greenfield (2006) is about the hunting adventures of Dr Greenfield. Once his gun misfired four times in a row while buffalo hunting.

A Quail Hunter's Odyssey

A Quail Hunter's Odyssey by Dr Joseph C Greenfield Jr (2004). Dr Greenfield writes in his introduction..."My purpose in writing this book is to document my experiences hunting birds, specifically eastern Bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus), over a span of sixty years. In this quest I have walked and/or ridden tens of thousands of miles and have seen the changes that have occurred in bird hunting - none of them for the best."

Bwana Babu Kwaheri

Bwana Babu Kwaheri by Joseph C Greenfield Jr (2011) is based on Joseph Greenfield's previous book, 'Bwana Babu'. This version of the book contains much new material and some new photographs. Chapters include - the Serengeti, butterflies and buffaloes; Timbavati titan; an ivory tale; buffaloes, lions and snakes in the Rungwa; Selous, lions and buffaloes; Botswana, elephants; Kilombero, long grass and buffaloes; Makanyanga; Return to Rungwa; hunting leopards with hounds in Namibia; white rhinoceros; Cape buffalo finale; last hour leopard; pursuing leopards with hounds, the epitome of hunting dangerous big game; the double rifle - a necessity? This version of the book is Greenfield's valedictory publication - 'kwaheri',meaning 'goodbye' is added to the title.

L Dickson Griffith

In The Hearts Of Famous Hunters

In The Hearts Of Famous Hunters by L Dickson Griffith (1992). Robert Stack, Joe Foss, Roy Rogers, Chuck Yeager and other famous hunters share their tales of close encounters with some of the most exotic and fierce wild animals.

Robert Halbritter

Heart Of A Hunter

Heart Of A Hunter by Robert Halbritter (2016) is a collection of stories of adventure, travel, enduring friendships, foreign cultures and the thrill of the hunt which chronicles the transformation of the author from a novice into an experienced hunter.

Ed Hale

African Safari: Rifle And Bow And Arrow

African Safari: Rifle And Bow And Arrow by Ed Hale (2011). An exciting father and son African safari book, including the preparation and planning phase to get their trophies back home. Kindle Version only.

Thomas J Hammond

Only In Africa

Only In Africa by Thomas J Hammond (2012) are stories from the author's 40 years hunting in Africa. He has won every major award in the big game hunting fraternity and has taken over 314 different species.

David Hanlin & Bill Quimby

Around The World And Then Some

Around The World And Then Some by David Hanlin & Bill Quimby (2010) There is very little in Hanlin's lifetime he did not hunt and he was fortunate enough to take dozens of trips to Asia and Africa as well as many trips to Canada and the western United States. After you have shot a Grand Slam, a Super Slam, the Big Five, all the spiral-horn antelope of Africa and virtually everything in North America, you have a lot of stories to tell. Hanlin's book contains the highlights of his hunting career, the funny episodes, the mishaps and the unusual.

Lonnie Henriksen

Pursuit: My Life Hunting Big Game

Pursuit: My Life Hunting Big Game by Lonnie Henriksen (2017). The author began his hunting career chasing deer with a bow in South Dakota. He eventually hunted throughout North America, Africa, Russia, Australia, Greenland and beyond.

Christiaan Herbst

I Died A Thousand Times In Africa

I Died A Thousand Times In Africa by Christiaan Herbst (2014) is 'not an autobiography' but a collection of the author's African hunting adventures.

Edwin A Hetland

Don't Look Behind You!

The Challenge Of The Wild by Edwin A Hetland (1978) is an autobiographical account of the author's life in Canada, before it gets to the part on African big game hunting. He describes the big game animals, with information for hunters, based on his own experiences, with photographs of the game he shot - lion, elephant, rhino, leopard, hippo and more.

Béla Hidvégi

Béla Hidvégi (b.1936) was a Hungarian born food engineer before becoming a hugely successful big game hunter, who hunted all over the world. His vast trophy collection was donated to the Natural History Museum of Hungary and is exhibited at the Helikon Castle Museum in Keszthely. The museum also commemorates other Hungarian hunters such as Zsigmond Szechenyi and Kalman Kittenberger.

Béla Hidvégi
Béla Hidvégi

Beyond The Mountains

Beyond The Mountains by Béla Hidvégi (2014). The author is Hungary's most prominent international hunter and this book is full of interesting personal hunting anecdotes. "This book is the culmination and sum total of the experiences I gathered on nearly fifty safaris and hunts. Reality not dreams, are foremost in this book."

Peter Hirsch

Last Man In Paradise

Last Man In Paradise by Peter Hirsch (1961) are the author's accounts of safaris in Africa, India and Alaska. "If it feels good, do it. I hunt because I enjoy it!" He didn't feel so good at the time when his PH, Jacky Hamman let him sort out a charging buffalo by himself because he was "paying for the thrills".

Mike Honeycutt

Mike Honeycutt's World Of Hunting And Fishing

Mike Honeycutt's World Of Hunting And Fishing by Mike Honeycutt (2017) narrates his personal hunting and fishing stories from all over the world. It includes savanna and forest hunts in Cameroon, Rocky Mountain hunts, a Himalayan tahr hunt in New Zealand, bird hunting in Argentina, turkey hunting in Mexico and looking for the Gobi Argali sheep in Mongolia.

Into The Wild

Into The Wild by Mike Honeycutt (2019). This book is selling with the exact same synopsis as the 'Mike Honeycutt's World Of Hunting And Fishing' (2017). It is unclear if this book is a re-print of the previous book or if it has been updated in any way.

Wayne Hosek

The Man-Eater Of Mfuwe

The Man-Eater Of Mfuwe by Wayne Hosek (2011) is the story of the author's journey from Los Angeles to the wilds of Africa, in the Luangwa river valley of eastern Zambia, on an unplanned life changing quest. The author was there on a safari hunt when he heard about the predations of a man-eating lion on people of Mfuwe. He decided that he would try for this lion, as his permitted lion trophy. Weeks of sitting in a blind with the lion consistently leaving tracks right next to the blind, sheer exhaustion allowed superstition to seep into Hosek’s mind. You'll have to read the book to find out what happened next...

Gary R Ingersoll

Gary Robert Ingersoll (b.1939) was an American businessman and worldwide big game hunter, winning just about every big game hunting award possible.

Born To Hunt: Forty Years And Six Continents

Born To Hunt: Forty Years And Six Continents by by Gary R Ingersoll (2010) recounts his worldwide hunting adventures. In Africa, he had a 35 day hunt in Kenya in 1976, during which he took a black rhino. This was followed by a trip to Sudan in the middle of a civil war and to CAR after a 100 lb elephant.

Sean Jeffries

Eight Days In Africa: The Story Of An African Safari

Eight Days In Africa: The Story Of An African Safari by Sean Jeffries (2010) is the story of the author's first African safari. It's the culmination of a lifelong dream. But it's more than just the story of the hunt, it's a roadmap showing all of the steps that the author took to plan and execute his trip to South Africa to hunt 6 species of plains game in 8 days. Kindle Version

A Life Spent Afield

A Life Spent Afield by Sean Jeffries (2010) is a collection of short essays on hunting and fishing drawn from the author's adventures (or, more often, misadventures) in the outdoors. Kindle only.

Deer Hunter's Devotional

Deer Hunter's Devotional by Sean Jeffries (2011) combines the author's love of the outdoors and deer hunting with his religion. Kindle Version

Always Take Your Rifle

Always Take Your Rifle by Sean Jeffries (2011) was previously published as 'A Life Spent Afield' but with updates about the author's current experiences afield. Most of the stories in the book have been expanded from their original versions and there are new recipes added to the book. Kindle Version

Gerald M Jonas

Hunting Southern African Safari: An Elephant And Buffalo Hunt

Hunting Southern African Safari: An Elephant And Buffalo Hunt by Gerald M Jonas (2014) is the author's "first big game hunt with all the fears and excitement". Available as an eBook only.

A Hunter's Heart

A Hunter's Heart: An African Safari, What You Hunt Most When You Hunt Is Yourself by Gerald M Jonas (2015) It is unclear whether this is a novel! It is about the "exciting life on a safari ranch - rhino battles, guests, guides and hunters - the good, the bad and the bewildered." Available as an eBook only.

South African History Safari: 1903-1994

South African History Safari: 1903-1994 by Gerald M Jonas (2012) is a look at the events and lives of people that made history in South Africa during the 20th century. Available as an eBook only.

Elmer Keith

Elmer Keith (1899 - 1984) was an Idaho rancher, firearms enthusiast, big game hunter and author. 1970 Guns & Ammo article by Elmer Keith on elephant hunting.

Elmer Keith
Elmer Keith & Truman Fowler on safari in 1969


Safari by Elmer Keith (1968) is the story of Elmer Keith's forty-day East African safari with PH John Lawrence in 1957. The author hunted with Truman Fowler who also published this book. The book includes information on the various big game animals and recommendations on big game rifles and cartridges. Elmer Keith hunted elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, rhino, kudu, sable, oryx and other game.
All Elmer Keith's books on firearms

Edward L Keller

Edward Lee Keller (1931 - 2020) was an American lawyer and an avid hunter, contributing to many hunting and conservation organisations. He hunted all over the world and his trophy room was featured in 'Great Hunters: Their Trophy Rooms And Collections', Volume 3,.

My Africa by Edward L Keller (2017) is the scarce, self-published account of the author's 13 African hunting safaris.

Bruce Lee Kennedy

Bruce Lee Kennedy (c.1900 - 1985) was the wife of John A Kennedy (1898 - 1987), a former journalist and then became a publisher and owner of various American newspapers. Due to her first name, Bruce, most people assume the privately published book 'Safari Koa Chui' was by written by her husband. An short account of their safari also appeared as an article in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader which was also owned by John A Kennedy.

Bruce Lee Kennedy
Bruce Lee Kennedy & John A Kennedy

Safari Koa Chui by Bruce Lee Kennedy (1959). The author was the wife of John A Kennedy and the book is her account of the couple's African safari in 1959 in Kenya and Tanganyika. They went with the express intent of obtaining a leopard for its skin to make a coat for her. John Kennedy also hunted kongoni, gazelle, impala and leopard in East Africa. His Professional Hunter was John Kingsley-Heath. The title is Swahili and means 'The Trip for the Leopard' and the book cover is made of faux leopard fur with a gilt plate. Read Review

Elaine King

Chasing Dreams In Namibia

Chasing Dreams In Namibia by Elaine King (2011) describes the 2006 African hunting safari that the author and her husband took in Namibia.

Herb Klein

Herb Klein (1901 - 1974) was a Dallas oil man and big game hunter. His vast number of trophies were donated to the Dallas Museum of Nature and Science. He was the first to win the Weatherby Big Game Trophy on his first try and was considered to be the 'dean of American safari hunting'.

Herb Klein
Herb Klein

Lucky Bwana: The Adventures Of A Big Game Hunter In British East Africa

Lucky Bwana: The Adventures Of A Big Game Hunter In British East Africa by Herb Klein (1953) is his account of lavish big game hunting in the company of some legendary professional hunters - Kris Aschan, Myles Turner, Donald Ker and Syd Downey.

Bert Klineburger

Bert Klineburger (1926 - 1917) was one of three Klineburger brothers who bought the Jonas Taxidermy business in 1954, changing the name to Klineburger Taxidermy in the 1970s. Among many of their expanding business interests, was a hunting agency, Klineburger Brothers Worldwide Travel, which referred hunting clients to specific outfitters according to what they wanted to hunt. This enterprise involved spending lots of time in Asia and Africa, referring clients and participating in many hunts themselves.

International Hunter 1945-1999: Hunting's Greatest Era

International Hunter 1945-1999: Hunting's Greatest Era by Bert Klineburger (1999) explains in detail how a hunter can bring home record-book trophies, as well as when, where and how to bag them. Unlike other books which focus on a limited region, this volume is crammed with complete information on big game in every hunting country on each of the five continents.

Big Game Hunting Around The World

Big Game Hunting Around The World by Bert Klineburger & Vernon W Hurst (1969) is the author's experiences as a big game hunter around the world, hunting the big game of Africa, India, Alaska, South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. There is a chapter on selecting the right clothing, footwear and equipment, also a chapter on the skinning and care of trophies.

This Is The Greatest Hunting Era

This Is The Greatest Hunting Era by Bert Klineburger (1989) are stories from around the world about the places hunters have been going, are going and will be going. Each story is illustrated with pictures of trophies taken by Klineburger and other well-known international big game hunters.

Chris Robert Klineburger

Chris R Klineburger (1927 - 2020) with his brothers, Bert and Gene, became a renowned taxidermist, a founding member of Safari Club International and opened up many hunting opportunities in several countries and remote areas of the world.

Gamemasters Of The World: A Chronicle Of Sport Hunting And Conservation

Gamemasters Of The World: A Chronicle Of Sport Hunting And Conservation by Chris R Klineburger (2010). Adventures in big game hunting in Africa, Asia and North America by taxidermist and hunter, Chris Klineburger. He relates how he and his brothers, Bert and Gene, started their careers as taxidermists in Seattle and helped bring together the hunting fraternity in the post-World War II days, when sport hunting was in its infancy.

Ray Kromer

Sixty Sporting Years: Hunting And Fishing From Boyhood To Senior Citizen

Sixty Sporting Years: Hunting And Fishing From Boyhood To Senior Citizen by Ray Kromer (1981) includes hunting Africa, grizzly and moose hunting in British Columbia, the all-purpose rifle, Alaskan polar bear, fishing in Quebec, red stag hunting in New Zealand and much more.

Jerry Lambert

The Hunting Spirit

The Hunting Spirit: Hunting Stories Filled With Inspiration & Humor by Jerry Lambert (2013) is a collection of short stories about deer hunting and also about hunting in Africa. The author captures the 'hunting spirit' through both fictional tales as well as real life adventure stories.

Frank Lau

Big Game Hunting In Southern Africa

Big Game Hunting In Southern Africa by Frank Lau (2022) is a guide to dangerous game hunting in southern Africa for Cape buffalo, lion and elephant. The author describes the different types of hunting safaris in Africa and the types of rifles and ammunition for dangerous game hunting.

Dave Lauzen

David P Lauzen (1950 - 2016) was an American businessman and accountant. After retiring from his company, he travelled the world big game hunting and game fishing, along with competitive clay shooting - representing the USA in the world championships. He collected 156 varieties of big game and 5 1000lb+ marlin.

Lion Safari: Central African Republic 1983

Lion Safari: Central African Republic, Feb 1983 by Dave Lauzen (1983) is the privately published story of the author's second African safari with professional hunter, Jean Louis Masson. The hunt bagged 9'5" lion as well as buffalo, eland, duiker, Western roan, hartebeest, kob, oribi, bushbuck and reedbuck. A very scarce book which is currently unavailable.

Elephant Safari: Central African Republic, July 1, 1982 To August 11, 1982

Elephant Safari: Central African Republic, July 1, 1982 To August 11, 1982 by Dave Lauzen (1982) is a diary style account of Lauzen's first African safari, hunting elephant, bongo, hartebeest, forest buffalo, duiker & other game. Very scarce book which is currently unavailable.

Joseph C Lawler & Oscar S Bray

Joseph C Lawler (1920 - 1982) was an American engineer and an avid big-game hunter and wildlife conservationist. He was the founder of the New England Chapter of the Safari Club International and a Vice-President of the SCI Conservation Fund.

Oscar S Bray was a fellow engineer, colleague and hunting companion of Joseph C Lawler.

Hunting: A Few Memorable Trips

Hunting: A Few Memorable Trips by Joseph C Lawler & Oscar S Bray (1983). Accounts by two Massachusetts men hunting lion, buffalo, elephant, rhino, kudu, oryx and other big game in Africa, tiger in India, red deer in New Zealand, elk, deer, brown and polar bear, sheep and other game in North America.

William E Lemanski

Adventures In Distant And Remote Places: A Memoir

Adventures In Distant And Remote Places: A Memoir by William E Lemanski (2015) covers some of the author's many adventurous travels in war, sailing, fishing and big game hunting. Spanning well over forty years, he discusses hunting trips across North America from New Mexico to artic Canada as well as pursuing some of the dangerous game of Africa.

M William Lockard Jr DDS & Suzanne W Lockard

Dr Myers William Lockard Jr DDS (1932 - 2020) was an American dentist and keen big game hunter which resulted in a 2500 square foot room of game trophies and the 2012 Safari Club International Crowning Achievement Award. Read more about the Lockards' life of adventure in an article in the Oklahoman newspaper.

Suzanne Wehrs Lockard (1932 - 2020) was an American nurse who accompanied her husband as they travelled extensively on safari through 62 countries on 6 continents.

Our Great Hunting Adventure On Six Continents

Our Great Hunting Adventure On Six Continents by M William Lockard Jr DDS & Suzanne W Lockard (2017) is an account of the authors' 48 years of hunting during which they collected 163 animals and 142 species.

Ben D Mahaffey

50 Years of Hunting And Fishing: Part III An African Adventure

50 Years of Hunting And Fishing: Part III An African Adventure by Ben D Mahaffey (2012) is the African one of a series of books. He hunted in Zimbabwe and "harvests eleven animals in fifteen shots, including the difficult and dangerous Cape Buffalo". Along with explaining the then political and economic conditions of Zimbabwe, the author also fishes for tigerfish on the Zambezi River.Kindle Version

Phil Massaro

The Perfect Shot For Dinosaurs

The Perfect Shot For Dinosaurs by Phil Massaro (2018) helps you prepare for hunting the quintessential big-game quarry, dinosaurs. The author covers twenty dinosaur species, their habits and physiology, hunting methods and the proper choice of firerearm for each hunting scenario, and, of course, there's a ghost view that exposes the vitals for each. Massaro draws upon his experiences as a ballistician and dinosaur hunter to recommend cartridge and bullet choices, as well as covering the gamut of dinosaur-worthy firearms. The book is essential reading for those pursuing the SCI Dinosaur Grand Slam award.

H A Mayor

Harold A Mayor, Sr (1904 - 1977) was president of Southwest Grease And Oil Company, in Wichita, Kansas.

Harold A Mayor
Harold A Mayor

The other hunters on this safari were Jacob A Mull, Jr (1914 -1982) who founded the Mull Drilling Company, his son Lewis Mull (b.1942) and Charles Wesley 'Todd' Aikins (1925 - 1991), all oilmen from Kansas.

J A Mull with lion
J A Mull with lion

Our Safari

Our Safari by H A Mayor (1967) is the very scarce private publication of the daily record of the hunting of four midwest men on safari in East Africa with Stan Lawrence-Brown in the Maswa and Loliondo areas of Tanzania. Their PHs were Mohamed 'Bali' Iqbal and Ray Palfrey with Mike Hissey who helped with the arrangements. The third assistant on this trip was a very young Robin Hurt. This rare book may be currently unavailable.

John McAteer

John McAteer is a American outdoorsman who is listed in the 'Legends of the Outdoors National Hall of Fame'. His hunting adventures have taken him to Africa, Asia, Mexico and North America including all the Canadian provinces. He has 'harvested' 18 of 29 North American species and has managed to complete the North American Sheep Foundation Grand Slam and awarded the North American Sheep Foundation Hunter of the Year in 2002.

The Dark Continent

The Dark Continent by John McAteer (2020) shares his experiences of hunting in South Africa for zebra, wildebeest, gemsbok, greater kudu, duiker, blesbok, impala, warthog, steenbok and red lechwe.

The Journey: Hunting The World, A Life Of Dreams

The Journey: Hunting The World, A Life Of Dreams by John McAteer (2019) shares his experiences of hunting all over the world, the interesting people he met and "some tasty recipes from the amazing animals he harvested".

Cooking Wild

Cooking Wild: Taking Your Harvest From Field To Table by John McAteer (2021) as the author says "...like my good friend Bob Foulkrod and I, practice the 'eat what you harvest' philosophy when hunting, because we believe it is a more ethical and healthy way to live. In an effort to further this thinking, I am providing a cookbook dedicated to helping you create amazing meals for your family and friends using the animals you harvest".

John M McGowan

John M McGowan (1931 - 2015) was an American investment professional and an avid big game hunter. He travelled throughout Africa and India many times since 1952. He took two 100lb elephant tusks during one safari, four averaging 102lb on another and several more approaching 100lb. He took a 58" kudu on one safari after which he became known as the 'Kudu King'.

John M McGowan
John M McGowan

Sport Hunter In Africa

Sport Hunter In Africa by John M McGowan (2000) covers the uthor's hunting exploits who was one of the few modern hunters to have hunted extensively with the 'Golden Safari Era' professionals, such as Geoff Lawrence-Brown, Mohamed Iqbal, Ikram Hassan and Harold Prowse and more. He also met J A Hunter and others as he hunted in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

James Mellon

James Ross Mellon II (b.1942) became the youngest hunter ever to win the Weatherby Big Game Trophy at the age of thirty. He hunted almost nonstop from 1964 until 1976 and is the only person in the history of big game hunting to have collected the giant sable, walia ibex and royal antelope.

African Hunter

African Hunter by James Mellon (1975) has 52 chapters focusing on hunting 20 different African countries. The scope of this book is more exhaustive than any other book on African hunting. The professional hunters mentioned were legendary figures from the safari industry's golden age. Of the countries detailed, most are closed to hunting and several have vanished due to political reorganization. Some of the species detailed are rarely seen let alone hunted.

Michael J Miller

Facing The Charge: African Dangerous Game

Facing the Charge: African Dangerous Game by Michael J Miller (2017) as told to Scott T Longman with the foreword by Fiona Claire Capstick. It is an account of the author's first sixty-three African safaris which included trips to Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa and Cameroon. It includes details of a tremendous range of experiences during which Miller faced charges from Cape buffalo, lion, leopard, elephant and rhino, as well as from man-eating crocodiles, pythons and baboons. Miller frequently hunted with PH Lew Game, whose career Peter Capstick wrote about in 'A Return To The Long Grass'

Lana Munroe

Lipstick And A Handful Of Bullets

Lipstick And A Handful Of Bullets by Lana Munroe (2021) is a collection of 12 tales from when the author and her husband, Jack, travelled and hunted around the world.

Robert T Mullis

Bob: A Long Way To Zimbabwe

Bob: A Long Way To Zimbabwe by Robert T Mullis (2015) is an account of the author's adventures over 30 years hunting safaris to Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Africa, Ethiopia, Namibia, and Zambia. Also it includes hunting musk ox and caribou in Canada, plus fishing in New Zealand.

Dr S Lloyd Newberry

The Big Five: Hunting Adventures In Today's Africa

The Big Five: Hunting Adventures In Today's Africa by Dr S Lloyd Newberry (2001) sets out on a long quest to pursue leopard and elephant in Zimbabwe, white rhino in South Africa, lion in Zambia and buffalo in Botswana. The book includes much information as well as anecdotes from the author's own experiences.

European Hunter: A Complete Guide To Sport In Europe

European Hunter: Hunting In 33 Countries by S Lloyd Newberry (2009) includes stories about hunting game and birds in European countries ranging from Spain to Russia to Italy to Iceland.

Pages Of Time: Memoirs Of A Southern Sportsman

Pages Of Time: Memoirs Of A Southern Sportsman by Dr S Lloyd Newberry (1996) is a collection of stories of hunting and fishing adventures around the world and in south Georgia. it includes a section on collectible hunting items.

Wings Of Wonder

Wings Of Wonder: The Remarkable Story Of The Cobb Family And The Priceless Decoys They Created On Their Island Paradise by Dr S Lloyd Newberry (2020) traces the story of three generations of the Cobb family who were iconic figures in the maritime and waterfowl gunning history of North America. Living in Virginia’s barrier islands, with access to a great concentrations of geese, brant, ducks and shorebirds, they developed a popular sporting venue that attracted guests from far and wide. They crafted their own wooden decoys which have now become highly coveted by folk art collectors.

Randy Nichols

Beyond The Horizon

Beyond The Horizon by Randy Nichols (1996) is a series of articles about big game hunting in Africa and elsewhere, published by the Houston Safari Club.

Jim Phares

My African Life: A Collection Of Short Stories

My African Life: A Collection Of Short Stories by Jim Phares (2012) may be about the author's hunting experience in Africa - it is not clear from the strange synopsis ... "The modern hunting safari in Africa allows humans to fulfill their innate role as hunters and predators while at the same time taking full responsibility for the future well-being of the wildlife that they hunt. Hunting today is controlled by management plans that promote a system of give and take. Hunters must pay for hunting and licenses and trophy fees; much of this money is used to promote the maintenance and management of the species hunted", etc, etc.

Rege Podraza

Where Elephants Go To Die

Where Elephants Go To Die by Rege Podraza (2002) is a collection of 100 poems based on real life experiences about African...as the author says, "It's poetry about what you feel when a lion's coming down on you and your gun jams" and "It's not the mushy stuff." The author is an avid hunter who began writing in 1992 after he was injured falling out of a tree stand.

Arthur C Popham

Arthur C Popham Jr (1915 - 2009) was an American attorney, a banjo player and big game hunter. Primarily a hunter of North American animals, he hunted Africa in 1956.

Stalking Game From Desert To Tundra

Stalking Game From Desert To Tundra by Arthur Popham (1985). Popham's big game hunting adventures around the world with a special emphasis on sheep. Popham was a close friend of Jack O'Connor and they hunted together many times. Big game hunting around the world - sheep, goat, caribou, grizzly, moose, buffalo and other North American game, also lion, buffalo and sable in Africa and urial in Iran.

William Pritchard

Mzee Never Miss: How To Do The Hard Hunts In Your 60s, 70s And 80s

Mzee Never Miss: How To Do The Hard Hunts In Your 60s, 70s And 80s by William Pritchard (2012) This collection of stories describes hunts in Africa and in the mountain sheep country of the North American West. The hunts were brought together to emphasize the major theme of the book - you can do the hard hunts in your 60s, 70s, and 80s with only a little more stress and strain than if you had done them in your 40s if you devote a little time and effort every day to staying in proper physical condition. Kindle Version only.

Edgar Monsanto Queeny

Edgar Monsanto Queeny (1897 - 1968) was chairman of the Monsanto Chemical Company, a filmmaker, naturalist and a trustee of the American Museum of Natural History from 1949 to 1968. He travelled to East Africa on several occasions to make documentary films and was guided by Donald Ker. Ker and Queeny also recorded the various sounds that lions make and played them back to other lions and hyenas to get interesting responses. However, Ker realised that playing recorded animal sounds to lions and other game could be misused in hunting, so he convinced the Game department to amend the hunting laws to ban such practices.

Spearing Lions With Africa's Masai by Edgar Queeny (1954) is an National Geographic Magazine article.

Cheechako: The Story Of An Alaskan Bear Hunt

Cheechako: The Story Of An Alaskan Bear Hunt by Edgar Queeny (1941) is about a bear hunting trip to south-east Alaska taken by Queeny, his wife, plus artist, Richard Bishop and his wife.

Prairie Wings: Pen And Camera Flight Studies

Prairie Wings: Pen And Camera Flight Studies by Edgar Queeny (1946) is a detailed study of bird flight. It is still one of the best waterfowl flight study books of all times. Wing beats of waterfowl were captured on movie film, then transposed to explanatary sketches by Richard Bishop. Queeny was the founder of Duck's Unlmited to conserve migrating ducks.

William R Rindone

Dusty Days And Distant Drums: A Hunting Chronicle

Dusty Days And Distant Drums: A Hunting Chronicle by William R Rindone (1984) with the foreword by South African professional hunter Rob Deane. Illustrated with original oil paintings and bronzes by Lorenzo Ghiglieri. A chronicle of big game hunting all over Africa plus a few adventures from other parts of the world. Besides recounting hunting adentures, the author gives background information on the land, people and game in the regions covered.

Lord 'Skips' Riverdale

Robert Arthur Balfour (1901 - 1998), 2nd Baron Riverdale of Sheffield was a British big game hunter and yachtsman.

Squeeze The Trigger Gently

Squeeze The Trigger Gently by Lord 'Skips' Riverdale (1991) presents the author's shooting life through a series of short chapters ranging from his youthful days to hunting in India and Africa to modern hunts in Scotland. During a 1930s trip to the Sudan he bagged wildebeest, zebra and the like, but no larger game. On a 1967 trip to Botswana and the Okavango region, he collected elephant, eland, kudu, wildebeest, lion, Cape buffalo and other game. He also relates stalking red stags, roedeer, and chamois in Scotland, Germany and New Zealand; and hunting tiger in India. A wealth of sporting stories well-illustrated with photos.

Jimmy Robinson & Barney Lamm

James M 'Jimmy' Robinson (1897 - 1986) was an American writer and outdoorsman who became an associate editor of Sports Afield magazine. His family moved to Canada when he was a boy and he grew up in Winnepeg. In 1926, he began writing for Sports Afield magazine, with his first article about his good friend, Annie Oakley. Renowned as a hunter, fisherman and conservationist, his writing career spanned 45 years. He wrote fourteen books on shooting and hunting.

Barney E Lamm (1919 - 2002) was an American who developed and operated a network of sport fishing lodges and charter airlines in the Canadian wilderness.

African Safari

African Safari by Jimmy Robinson & Barney Lamm (1965). Hunting in Kenya with PHs David Allen and John Alexander. Leopard hunting plus other dangerous and plains game.

Hunting Adventures With Jimmy Robinson

Hunting Adventures With Jimmy Robinson by Jimmy Robinson (1958) includes tales of big game hunting in Africa, shooting waterfowl, pheasant, quail, turkey, moose, memories of Annie Oakley, guides, shooting personalities and muskie fishing.

Leo W Roethe

Leo W Roethe (1914 - 2008) was an American big game hunter, conservationist, businessman and former partner in the Weatherby firearms company. Between 1959 and 1973 he took 16 hunting trips to Africa and was mauled by a lion in 1973.

Leo The Lion

Leo The Lion by Leo W Roethe (1972) tells of his exciting African safari adventures. Accounts of hunting elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion, leopard and other game in Africa, with a chapter on John A Hunter.

Book About Leo W Roethe:

J R Mansavage

Days Of Kilimanjaro: The African Safari Of Leo The Lion Roethe

Days of Kilimanjaro: The African Safari of Leo "The Lion" Roethe by J R Mansavage (2002) is a collection of stories and photographs taken on Roethe's 16 African safaris from 1959 and 1973. In addition to successfully hunting virtually all of East Africa's game animals, Roethe also captured on film moments that brilliantly illustrate the traditional, old-style African safari.

W Mitchell Rohlfs

Cottontails To Kudu: A Hunter's Journey

Cottontails to Kudu: A Hunter's Journey by W Mitchell Rohlfs (2007) details the transformation of a young boy on his first rabbit hunt to an international big game hunter and accomplished upland bird hunter. Covers duck and goose hunts on the Chesapeake Bay, bobwhite quail and woodcock hunts in the Deep South, rabbit hunts with beagles in Pennsylvania and Alabama, partridge hunts with pointing dogs in Nevada, sharp-tailed grouse hunts in Montana as well as big game hunts for whitetailed deer, elk, bear, Dall and Stone sheep, African plains game and many other adventures.

Pablo Bush Romero

Pablo Bush Romero (1905 - 1998) was a Mexican businessman, photographer, big game hunter, explorer and writer.

Mexico And Africa From The Sight Of My Rifle

Mexico And Africa From The Sight Of My Rifle by Pablo Bush Romero (1960). Big game hunting in Africa and Mexico, hunting jaguar, ocelot, bison, mountain lion, grizzly bear, deer, tapir, peccary, alligator, desert sheep, duck, game birds, kudu, eland, lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo, leopard and a variety of horned game.

My Adventures With Tigers And Lions

My Adventures With Tigers And Lions by Pablo Bush Romero (c.1958) are accounts of the big cats of India and Africa during hunting expeditions in the 1950's.

Under The Waters Of Mexico

Under The Waters Of Mexico by Pablo Bush Romero (1964) is about the salvage work done by Mexico's underwater archaeological society CEDAM on Mayan temples and sunken Spanish galleons.

Jimmie C Rosenbruch & Bill Quimby

With Divine Assistance

With Divine Assistance: The Best Of The Last Of The Golden Era Of International Big-Game Hunting by Jimmie C Rosenbruch & Bill Quimby (2014) is the story of Rosenbruch's adventurous life beginning in Alaska, where he started hunt outfitting before launching his international hunting career. Most of the book covers his international hunting adventures, from his first African safari in Sudan in 1979 to argali hunting in Mongolia in the early 1980s to later adventures in Europe and the South Pacific. He hunted in Turkey at a time when few Westerners had been there, and caught the fall of the Iron Curtain and breakup of the Soviet Union, opening up new opportunities in new places.

Philip D Rowter

The Hunting Instinct

The Hunting Instinct: Safari Chronicles On Hunting Game Conservation And Management In The Republic of South Africa And Namibia 1990-1998 by Philip D Rowter (1999) is an action-packed chronicle about the author's hunting experiences in South Africa and Namibia, covering eight safaris from 1990 to 1998. This book provides information on the Big 5 and most plains game species encountered and hunted in modern Africa. It also includes information on current game and environmental conservation efforts.

Embry Rucker

Snowy Mountains And Dusty Trails

Snowy Mountains And Dusty Trails: Hunting From Alaska To Zimbabwe by Embry Rucker (2023) is about the author's life and hunting experiences all over the world. "As a hunter I experienced the world’s exotic cultures, the art of tracking prey, the thrill of facing dangerous game, the chance to demonstrate courage, the finesse of instinctive shooting, the pleasure on a shot well made, communion with nature in the wilderness, and quiet moments with my fellows in the field".

Jack Samson

Jack Samson (1922 - 2007) was an American journalist and author who became a longtime editor of Field & Stream magazine.

The Sportsman's World

The Sportsman's World by Jack Samson (1976) are tales of fishing, big game hunting and shotgunning in Africa and North America. The fishing dominates the book but there is one story and picture of the huge Cape buffalo Samson shot in Botswana.

Ben L Seegmiller

Hunting Vignettes: Tales From The Big-Game Hunting World

Hunting Vignettes: Tales From The Big-Game Hunting World by Ben L Seegmiller (2023) is a collection of stories about the author's hunting adventures which include a dangerous snake encounter and being charged, by not one, but 3 bull elephants at the same time.

Keith Severinsen

Keith Bernhard Severinsen (1925 - 2006) was a New Zealand-born hunter and author.

Tracks Of The Hunter

Tracks Of The Hunter by Keith Severinsen (1993) includes hunting in the wilds of New Zealand for deer, pigs, chamois and tahr, to North America in search of grizzly bear, moose and bison, and to Africa for gemsbok and a black-maned lion in the Kalahari, Zimbabwe and Zululand.

Also by Keith Severinsen on hunting in New Zealand:

Jon Shiesl

65 Years A Hunter

65 Years A Hunter by Jon Shiesl (2016) is an account of the author's love of hunting, the great outdoors and travelling the world, including Africa. Not currently available.

Julius Simko

Africa In My Heart: A Hunter's Diary

Africa In My Heart: A Hunter's Diary by Julius Simko (2015) is an account of the author's African hunting adventure in the format of a journal, with humour and sincerity - including his hunting fears and blunders.

Keith Singleton

Around The Kafue: Bush Hunting Africa On Safari

Around The Kafue: Bush Hunting Africa On Safari by Keith Singleton (2023) is a collection of adventurous hunting tales from 13 trips to Africa "which will leave you feeling as though you were right there on safari."

Louis Cleland Slothower Jr & Ben H Slothower

Kudu Country

Kudu Country by Louis Cleland Slothower Jr & Ben H Slothower (1977) is the scarce book written by Ben Slothower based on his brother, Louis's, diary about two of his three African hunting safaris. The first part of the book is about Louis's second safari in Somalia in 1967 with two friends, on which Ben could not go. The second part of the book is about Louis's hunt in Mozambique in 1970, when all 3 Slothower brothers, plus one friend hunted together. They hunted in Mozambique with Safarilandia, part-owned by Baron Werner von Alvensleben (Brian Marsh's book 'Baron In Africa1') and the large PH team included Wally Johnson ('Last Ivory Hunter' by Peter Hathaway Capstick). The book also contains the names of all their hunt and camp staff from the trackers to the men who provided the hot bath water, waiters and mechanics.

Vin T Sparano

Tales Of Woods And Waters

Tales Of Woods And Waters edited by Vin T Sparano (1989) is an anthology including such varied writers as Pat McManus and Theodore Roosevelt. Other authors included are Jack Atcheson, Baron Bror von Blixen-Finecke, Jack O'Connor, Jim Carmichael, Lee Wulff, Russell Annabel, Robert Ruark, Bob Elman, Havilah Babcock, Joel Vance, Ray Eye and many more. Subjects include turkey, grouse, quail, bears, caribou, Jack O'Connor's last hunt, fishing, trout, salmon, muskellunge, Gene Hill, leopard and elephant hunting.
Other books by Vin T Sparano about North American hunting, fishing and the outdoors.

Robert Stack

Robert Stack (1919 – 2003) was a American actor and sportsman. While in Africa hunting, Stack wrote of the professional hunters... "These hunters were just like the boat racers, motorcycle nuts, stunt men and bullfighters I grew up with. Here was something I understood. The accents may have been different, but they had one thing in common: They were out of their skulls."

Straight Shooting

Straight Shooting by Robert Stack & Mark Evans(1980) is the autobiography of film and TV star, Robert Stack. Best known as an Untouchable, he had quite a film career. He was a world champion skeet shooter when he was young and hunted Africa with PH Tony Archer and hunting companion, General Joe Foss, who was a World War II war hero.

Shotgun Digest

Shotgun Digest by Robert Stack, edited by Jack Lewis (1974) is about everything you need to know about using a shotgun. Includes information on choosing and fitting a shotgun, reloading, recoil, ballistics, chokes, skeet and trapshooting, plus upland game and waterfowl shooting.

Loren D Stark

Loren Dayton Stark (1897 – 1992) was an American big game hunter who entered his father's insurance business after serving in the First World War and graduating university in 1921.

Big Game Hunting On Three Continents

Big Game Hunting On Three Continents by Loren D Stark (1971) are his adventures in North America with Dall sheep, moose, polar and brown bear. On safari to Somalia, two safaris to Mozambique, another to Kenya for elephant, lion other big game. To India for tiger, leopard and to Iran for ibex and urial and Armenian sheep.

William E Stewart Jr

Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game by William E Stewart Jr (2005) is about the author's African safari experiences hunting mostly elephant, plus Cape buffalo, leopard and lion.

Jimmy Stockton & Susan D Brandenburg

James Roosevelt Stockton Jr (1893 - 1969) was an American real estate entrepreneur. He came from a family with a long history of banking and publishing in Florida, where they also built the Ponte Vedra Beach Inn & Club and the Sawgrass Country Club.

Stockton Safaris

Stockton Safaris: The Story Of James Roosevelt Stockton, Jr by Jimmy Stockton & Susan D Brandenburg (2015) is a biography of James Roosevelt Stockton Jr, who went on 51 African hunting safaris, all guided by Glen Cottar.

Jack R Stone

Every Man Dies, Not Every Man Lives

Every Man Dies, Not Every Man Lives by Jack R Stone (2010) is an autobiography by a lawyer, banker, rancher, big game hunter and former chairman of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. It includes a chapter on the author's hunting safari in Tanzania.

Kim Stuart

Dangerous Game Animals Of Africa: One Man's Quest

Dangerous Game Animals Of Africa: One Man's Quest by Kim Stuart (2018) is an account of the author's 20 year quest in the pursuit of three 'magnificent sevens' (lion, leopard, buffalo, hippo, elelphant, and crocodile) with three different weapons - rifle, handgun and muzzleloader.

Hubert Thummler

Hubert Thummler is a retired Mexican businessman who started hunting in Africa at the end of the 'Golden Age'. This Weatherby award winner has shot every single category of sheep listed in the SCI record book and has more varieties of sheep than any other hunter.

Wind In My Face

Wind In My Face: The Shikars And Safaris Of A Cazador De Mexico by Hubert Thummler with Bill Quimby (2006) is the story of this hunter's lifetime search for big game trophies around the world. He has taken 325 record-book trophies (including several world records) from more than forty countries on six continents.

Sue Tidwell

Cries Of The Savanna

Cries Of The Savanna by Sue Tidwell (2021) is the author's account as the initially reluctant spouse who joined her husband on an African big game hunt and how the experience changed her whole perspective. Her initial animosity turning into curiosity while going hunting with her husband. She became entranced by the hunting staff safari tales and the people who relied on hunting safaris for their livlihoods. Supplementing her own experiences on the with local insights and research into conservation efforts, the author humorously explores how her preconceived beliefs about hunting were replaced by reality.

Lawrence W Trotter II

Seeing The Light Through Black Death

Seeing The Light Through Black Death: Salvation In The African Savanna by Lawrence W Trotter II (2020) is the tale of the author's experience of being 'attacked' by a Cape buffalo bull while on a bow hunting safari in 2012. While this incident is the title of the book, it is mainly the story of the author's life and his faith.

Mark Tutor

Heart Of The Hunter: Stories From Alaska, Africa, Asia and Places Of the Heart

Heart Of The Hunter: Stories From Alaska, Africa, Asia and Places Of the Heart by Mark Tutor (2014). Tales of the hunting adventures that have taken the author from the wilds of Alaska to Africa and the roof of the world for Marco Polo sheep.

Dwight Van Brunt

Born A Hunter: Hunting Adventures From The Arctic To Africa

Born A Hunter: Hunting Adventures From The Arctic To Africa by Dwight Van Brunt (2009). From brown bear and Dall's sheep in Alaska, to elephant and Cape buffalo in Africa, Dwight Van Brunt has hunted much of the world's great game. This, his first book, covers more than thirty hunts.

Bruce VanBuskirk

Last Safari: A Season Of Discovery In Zimbabwe

Last Safari: A Season Of Discovery In Zimbabwe by Bruce VanBuskirk (2006) is the true story of an American hunter who spent the 2001 season working on safari in Zimbabwe. Lots of adventure and excitement but also deals with the hard lessons learned about the future of hunting in Africa. This is a day by day description of the events, places and people who make the safari industry work in Zimbabwe. The book goes behind the scenes to reveal how a hunting safari works - the professional hunters and clients, company employees, local villagers and learn just how much work it takes to run a safari operation in Africa.

Hoffman Theron Van Zijl

The Wanderers

The Wanderers: Tales Of Wandering In The African Bush by Hoffman Theron Van Zijl (2015) is the story of the wanderings of two lifelong friends in some of the last remaining wilderness areas left in southern Africa. Their main goal was to hunt dangerous game, but they were just as interested in exploring the country in search of untouched wilderness. This book revolves around one of these adventures, a trip they took together to the Zambezi Valley in Mozambique in 1989.

Ricardo Guardia Vazquez

My Main Obsession

My Main Obsession by Ricardo Guardia Vazquez (2012) is the account of the author's more than 40 years of hunting around the world. He recounts hunts for jaguars, ocelots, pumas, leopards and a lion. In North America he hunted mountain goat, black bear, grizzly, caribou, moose, mule deer, whitetail and more. In Africa, besides lion and leopard, he shot an elephant and buffalo as well as sable, kudu and numerous other antelopes.

Jacques Vettier

Big Game Hunting In Asia, Africa And Elsewhere

Big Game Hunting In Asia, Africa And Elsewhere by Jacques Vettier (1993). A Weatherby award winner, Vettier has spent the better part of 25 years seeking the game paradises of the world - from Tanzania to Tadjikistan, from the Pamirs to the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, from Ethiopia to Canada - a veteran of 15 forest elephant hunts, scores of African hunts, a grand slam of sheep and a grand slam of markhor. Vettier writes about these adventures with remarkable clarity and skill.

Nancy Vokins

The Weatherby: Stories From The Premier Big-Game Hunters Of The World 1956-2002

The Weatherby: Stories From The Premier Big-Game Hunters Of The World 1956-2002 edited by Nancy Vokins (2004) is a collection of biographies of the Weatherby award winners. The Weatherby Award was awarded annually from 1956 onwards for remarkable lifetime achievements in the field of hunting and conservation. Amongst the many winners, the book includes Enrique Zamacola, Adrian Sada, George Landreth, Thornton Snider, Robert Speegle, Rex Baker, Gerald Warnock, Dan Duncan, Pete Papac, Hubert Thummler, Donald Cox, L Irvin, Barnhart, Gary Ingersoll, Jesus Yuren, Mahlon 'Butch' White, & Arnold Alward.

Reinald Von Meurers

Dr Reinald Von Meurers is a German doctor and big game hunter. He has made 30 self-organized hunting trips to Africa with a focus on Cameroon over a 20 year period.

Buffalo, Elephant And Bongo: Alone In The Savannas And Rain Forests Of The Cameroon

Buffalo, Elephant And Bongo: Alone In The Savannas And Rain Forests Of The Cameroon by Reinald Von Meurers (1989) is an account of many hunting trips into the interior of Cameroon in search of elephant, bongo, buffalo, sitatunga, giant forest hog, bushpig and dwarf buffalo. The author organises his own safaris and carries them out only in the company of local helpers. Includes a chapter on organising your own hunting trip, as well as much incidental useful advice.

Brian Watson


Wato by Brian Watson (2022) is an updated edition of the author's autobiography first published in 2019. It is a compilation of some of the Australian author's hunting adventures in Africa and other wilderness places. It is also available from the Rigby Shop

Marc Watts

The Royal Showdown

The Royal Showdown by Marc Watts (2007) is the story of Marc Watts, or Bwana Moja as he likes to be known, attempting to pull off a rare Central African Republic double in 14 days - two world class Lord Derby trophy eland, with PH Andre Roux. Scarce, hard to find book.

Delta Royale: Botswana's Perfectly Shot Dangerous Game

Delta Royale Botswana's Perfectly Shot Dangerous Game DVD by Marc Watts (2008). This DVD is full of talk, discussions, preludes, cheerleading, PH testimonials, enticers, flashbacks and whatnot before you see the actual Botswana hunting footage. Together with Botswana PH Johan Calitz, Watts tackles the big game of the Okavango Delta. Unlike some other PHs, Calitz is amusingly indifferent to this fast-talking former CNN reporter.

Chuck Wechsler

Sporting Classics: Africa

Sporting Classics: Africa: Forty-One Adventures from the Dark Continent edited by Chuck Wechsler (2010) is an anthology of adventure stories by authors such as Ernest Hemingway, Robert Ruark, Theodore Roosevelt, and Peter Capstick, in addition to some contemporary outdoor writers.

Warren W Wilbur

Hunting Around The World

Hunting Around The World by Warren W Wilbur (1981) includes hunting bear, deer, antelope, caribou, moose, mountain lion and sheep in the Western US, British Columbia and Alaska, plus African hunting for leopard, lion, buffalo, eland, kudu, elephant and other game as well as a trip to Australia for wild boar and Asiatic buffalo.

Ken Wilson

Sport Hunting On Six Continents

Sport Hunting On Six Continents by Ken Wilson (1998) chronicles 15 years of Wilson's adventures on behalf of Sportsmen On Film. From his first hunt in Alaska with John Latham to his last safari in Africa with his late friend, Peter Capstick, Ken Wilson has had the opportunity to hunt and document hunting on all six of the world's continents that are home to big game animals. He was the first to bring back videotape of his hunting expeditions.

Lawrence "Larry" Wolfgram

Africa Calls: A Dream Becomes A Reality

Africa Calls: A Dream Becomes A Reality by Lawrence "Larry" & Mary Wolfgram (2008) is an account of the author and his wife's hunting safaris and adventure tours in the Africa.

From Prairies To Mountains: Big Game Hunting Adventures In The West And Alaska

From Prairies To Mountains: Big Game Hunting Adventures In The West And Alaska by Lawrence "Larry" Wolfgram (2003) is an account of the author's hunting experiences in Alaska while working there on the Alaskan Highway.

Gene Worrell

Thomas Gene Worrell (1920 - 2006) was a newspaper entrepreneur and at one time owned more than 30 newspapers.

The Honey Guide: 40 Days In Central Africa

The Honey Guide: 40 Days In Central Africa by Gene Worrell (1977) describes his safari to the Central African Republic where he bagged lion, elephant, waterbuck, kob and other game. His professional hunters were Rene Prichaud and Phillipe Parent.

Watson T Yoshimoto

Watson T "Yoshi" Yoshimoto (1909 - 2004) was an American construction businessman and a renowned big-game hunter. He made hunting trips to 43 countries on six continents and including hunts in New Zealand, St Lawrence Island, Kodiak Island, Papua New Guinea and six Hawaiian islands. In 1978, he created the W T Yoshimoto Foundation, dedicated to the protection and perpetuation of wildlife resources through education and conservation, while also promoting sport hunting as a wildlife management tool.

Watson T Yoshimoto
Watson T Yoshimoto

Yoshi: The Life And Travels Of An International Trophy Hunter

Yoshi: The Life And Travels Of An International Trophy Hunter by Watson T Yoshimoto with Bill Quimby (2003) is an account of his hunting life collecting all sixteen major varieties of the world's wild sheep and most of the many types of goats, ibex, bears, antelopes and antlered game of Asia, Europe, North America, South America and the South Pacific, as well as the African Big Five.

Bill G Yung

The Half Fast Hunter

The Half Fast Hunter by Bill G Yung (2010) is written by a novice hunter and describes the pursuit of adventure that hunting provided for the first 70 years of his life. It provides insight into the animals hunted, the geographical variations of the countries hunted, the culture and the personalities of the people encountered. Read Review

The Half Fast Hunter: Volume Two

The Half Fast Hunter: Volume Two by Bill G Yung (2024) is the author's second book which contains stories about his hunting trips taken between the age of 70 through to 79 years.

Rodger M Zimmerman

Gone Forever But Not Forgotten: A Safari Adventure

Gone Forever But Not Forgotten: A Safari Adventure by Rodger M Zimmerman (2007) describes 82 days of safari hunting in Tanzania during the 1960s and 1970s by the author, a Texas lawyer.

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