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Oskar Koenig Books

Oskar Koenig (b.1896) was born in Germany and was for 25 years the only professional white hunter in Tanganyika. He became one of Africa's most important hunters turned conservationists and was instrumental in setting up the Ngorogoro National Park.

Oskar Koenig
Oskar Koenig

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Pori Tupu

Pori Tupu by Oskar Koenig (1954) are the extraordinary adventures of one of Africa's great white hunters - 25 years of facing danger and excitement described by the man with a deep understanding of the continent and its big game. The title 'Pori Tupu' means 'dangerous bush'.

The Masai Story

The Masai Story by Oskar Koenig (1956) is a history of the Masai and an account of their habits, psychology and traditions.

The Masai Story

Snorty The Rhino by Oskar Koenig (1965)

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