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Peter Beard Books

Peter Hill Beard (b.1938) is an American photographer, artist, diarist and writer. His photographs of Africa, African animals and his journals have been widely shown and published since the 1970s.

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Peter Beard: The End Of The Game: 50th Anniversary Edition

Peter Beard: The End Of The Game: 50th Anniversary Edition by Peter Beard (2015) has an updated preface by Paul Theroux. As in the original book, there are stunning images of the overpopulation and the starvation of tens of thousands of elephants, rhinos and hippos in Kenya and Uganda in the 1960s and 1970s. Beard's own pictures and texts are supplemented by historical photographs and writings about and by the discoverers, missionaries and big game hunters whose search for adventure and 'progress' altered the face of the continent forever - Theodore Roosevelt, Frederick Selous, Karen Blixen (Isaac Dinesen), Philip Percival, J A Hunter and J H Patterson.

Longing for Darkness, Kamante's Tales From Out of Africa

Longing for Darkness, Kamante's Tales From Out of Africa by Peter Beard (1975). Karen Blixen, aka Isak Dineson, made famous by her book 'Out of Africa', lives again in these beautiful pages collected by Peter Beard from the writings and lyrical colour paintings of her old major-domo, Kamante, who tells the story of 'Out of Africa' from his own perspective. The handwritten text (done by his son) was translated from Swahili and is augmented not only by the art, but also by never beofre published photographs taken by Isak Deneson herself and still other photos by Beard.

Zara's Tales: From Hog Ranch, Perilous Escapades In Equatorial Africa

Zara's Tales: Perilous Escapades In Equatorial Africa by Peter Beard (2004) are eleven irresistible tales, told to his daughter in his tented encampment at Hog Ranch, Kenya, about life, about living and about Africa.

The End Of The Game: The Last Word From Paradise

The End Of The Game: The Last Word From Paradise by Peter Beard (1963) is about the widespread destruction of the African elephant. Beard tells of the enterprisers, explorers, missionaries and big-game hunters whose quest for progress and adventure were to change the face of Africa forever.

Scrapbooks From Africa And Beyond by Peter Beard (2007) includes a DVD of the film directed by Jean-Claude Luyat and Guillaume Bonn. Narrated by Charlotte Rampling, the film discusses Beard's life-long relationship with Africa, his many friendships and remarkable career.

Sensual Africa

Sensual Africa by Peter Beard & Joe Wuerfel (2000). The photographer takes us on a trip to Kaokoland, Namibia, to the Himba - a semi-nomadic tribe of herdsmen. To the mountain village of Heyza, Tanzania and to the Cape Verde Islands.

Photo Poche No.67

Photo Poche No.67 by Peter Beard (2000) is a collection of photographs and pages from the artist's famous diaries.

Eyelids Of Morning: The Mingled Destinies Of Crocodiles And Men

Eyelids Of Morning: The Mingled Destinies Of Crocodiles And Men by Peter Beard & Alistair Graham(1973) is a classic work in which Kenyan zoologist Alistair Graham spent 3 years with Kenya's Turkana tribesmen who lived alongside and hunted the legendary and fearsome man-eating Nile crocodiles. Peter Beard was the photographer.

Stern Portfolio No.26

Stern Portfolio No.26 by Peter Beard (2001) is a showcase of some of Beard's most stunning creations. Focused largely on themes of conservation and animal endangerment, intertwined with fragments from his life and work in these arenas, this volume is an unconventional art photographer's declaration of love for the African continent he calls home.

Beyond The End Of The World

Beyond The End Of The World: Photographs, Diaries, Notes, Sketches And Collages; Phantasmagoria, Metamorphoses, Natural Horrors And Prehistoric Memories - Last Voices Of A Lost Africa by Peter Beard (1998). Photographs, mixed-media works, diaries and text by Peter Beard.

Peter Beard: 28 Pieces

Peter Beard: 28 Pieces by Peter Beard (2000). Thirty-two collaged photographic works are illustrated here, featuring Beard's typical cadre of subjects: Andy Warhol, Veruschka, Brigitte Bardot, Francis Bacon, Jackie O, exotic African animals and locales.

Fifty Years Of Portraits by Peter Beard (1999) is a compendium of Peter Beard's portraiture compiled as a scrapbook; photographs become collages, framed and overlaid with Beard's handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, found objects and paint.


Diary by Peter Beard (1993) is a journal of Beard's life and work and he pours everything into it - his thoughts, his soul and, literally, his blood, which is smeared across the pages. He includes photographs, drawings, scribblings, collages, details about his friends and associates and writings on some of his passions.

Peter Beard: Art Edition

Peter Beard: Art Edition by Peter Beard (2006) is a stunning journey into the world of Peter Beard.

Peter Beard: Stress And Density

Peter Beard: Stress And Density by Peter Beard (1999) "We're entering the age of density and stress from overcrowding and squeezing".

The Adventures And Misadventures Of Peter Beard In Africa

The Adventures And Misadventures Of Peter Beard In Africa by Peter Beard (1993) is part biography, part social history. Beard's dramatic life has been matched by the drama that have been transforming East Africa since his arrival.

Book About Peter Beard

Steven M L Aronson, Owen Edwards & Nejma Beard

Peter Beard

Peter Beard by Steven M L Aronson, Owen Edwards & Nejma Beard (2013) is a collection of hundreds of pages from Beard's journals, collages and photography.

1977 Interview With Peter Beard

R Couri Hay talks with Peter Beard about Africa at his photography show opening at the International Center of Photography. Mary Hemingway, wife of Ernest, also talks with Peter and Couri about her hunting safaris in Africa.

1977 Interview With Peter Beard

Solo Build It!