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Practical Hunting Books

The practical hunting books are wide ranging on topics from planning an African hunting safari through to the art of tracking, aging lions and managing an African game ranch.

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Michael Ashcroft

Unfair Game

Unfair Game: An Exposé Of South Africa's Captive-Bred Lion Industry by Michael Ashcroft (2020) features the results of an inquiry the author conducted into South Africa's lion business. He details how tourists are unwittingly being used to support the abuse of lions, how lions are tranquillised and then 'hunted' in enclosed spaces and he demonstrates why Asia's appetite for lion bones has become a multi-million dollar business, linked to criminality and corruption, which underpins South Africa's captive lion industry.

J Bothma

Game Ranch Management

Game Ranch Management by J Bothma (1990) is a practical guide on all aspects of purchasing, planning, development, management and utilisation of a modern game ranch in southern Africa.

David L Brown

Safari 101 Hunting Africa: The Ultimate Adventure: Getting There And Back

Safari 101 Hunting Africa: The Ultimate Adventure: Getting There And Back by David L Brown (2012) is written for the hunter that has always considered Africa out of reach - being too expensive or too difficult. When Brown took his first safari, he had to rely on word of mouth for information, as all of the books he found were for photo safaris. This book takes his experiences, what he learned from professional hunters and outfitters, and puts the information in a logical progression that is entertaining as well as informative.

Charles A Cabell & David St Clair

Safari:Pan Am's Guide To Hunting With Gun And Camera

Safari:Pan Am's Guide To Hunting With Gun And Camera by Charles A Cabell & David St Clair (1968) is a guide to sport around the world (served by Pan American Airways) - where to go, what to expect, game to be found, hunting licenses, rules, regulations, what to bring, local regulations, outfitters etc.

Cleve Cheney

The Comprehensive Guide To Tracking

The Comprehensive Guide To Tracking by Cleve Cheney (2013) Tracking is an art form as well as a skill. But it is an art that can be taught and a skill that can be acquired. Cleve Cheney, an instructor at the Southern African Wildlife College, is a master at tracking both animals and humans. He has brought together a massive amount of information on the how, when and where of tracking.

Richard Conrad

Safari Guide: A Comprehensive Guide To Planning Your Hunting Safari

Safari Guide: A Comprehensive Guide To Planning Your Hunting Safari by Richard Conrad (2001) covers the 'golden triangle of safari hunting' in Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Namibia where 90 percent of today's safaris take place. He also writes about the exotic destinations in East and West Africa for those in search of more adventure.

Captain L M Dundas

A Big Game Pocket Book For Kenya Colony

A Big Game Pocket Book For Kenya Colony by Captain L M Dundas (1927) is a guide to the game and hunting them and also a guide to the treatment of skins and trophies.

Robert Elman

The Complete Book Of Hunting

The Complete Book Of Hunting: A Definitive Guide To Field Shooting For All Sportsmen edited by Robert Elman (1980) has assembled an international team of experienced writers and photographers who have successfully interwoven technique, strategy and woods-lore to create a truly comprehensive volume of immeasureable aid to both the novice and the veteran.

Jeffrey Engel, Sherol Engel & James A Swan

Chasing The Hunter's Dream

Chasing The Hunter's Dream by Jeffrey Engel, Sherol Engel & James A Swan (2007) present their expert advice on the most enjoyable and affordable places to hunt both big and small game throughout North America, Mexico, Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia. Organized by location, the book covers the best hunting spots and possible game as well as outfitters, guides, and lodges. The authors provide information on preparing for each hunt and how to get a trophy home, and they share hunting camp remembrances.

P Jay Fetner

The African Safari: The Ultimate Wildlife And Photographic Adventure

The African Safari: The Ultimate Wildlife And Photographic Adventure by P Jay Fetner (1987) is a definitive work on the practical elements of planning a safari with a proper appreciation of the animals and their environment. Extensive coverage of wildlife, with chapters on photography and on the writings of explorers, hunters and naturalists.

James Field

Of Hunters And Men

Of Hunters And Men: Some Notes About Hunting, Africa, And The Future by James Field (2020) is an account of some of the human-originated problems that currently beset wildlife in sub-Saharan Africa. The author includes some of the reasons why hunting should not always be regarded in a negative light. Data from several sources shows that the extraordinary human population growth rate could soon lead to the destruction of the world's most precious wildlife in the not-so distant future and he puts forward some suggestions as to how the decline might be slowed.

Joshua Godfrey

Head Hunters: Hunting Safaris Around The Globe

Head Hunters: Hunting Safaris Around The Globe by Joshua Godfrey (2023) is a guide for hunters wanting to hunt in Africa, based on the author's experience on a hunt in South Africa. There in South Africa, as it says on his hunting sales website, he apparently 'harvested' every animal on his 'bucket list' - 19 animals in 10 days!!

Tim Ivins

A Hunter's Handbook

A Hunter's Handbook by Tim Ivins (1981) is an informative, well illustrated book on South African hunting, concentrating on the hunter's code and safety, legal concerns, and useful chapters on bush cooking, camping checklists and first aid.

Wayne P Johnson

Into Africa: A Hunter's Safari

Into Africa: A Hunter's Safari by Wayne P Johnson (2018) is aimed at the first time hunter to Africa and is comprised of three parts - outlining how to get there, what will happen when you do, and what comes after you return home. It evolved out of the author's 12 day African hunting experience in the Eastern Cape! The foreword is written by Craig Boddington.

Louis La Garde

Louis Anatole La Garde (1849 - 1920) had an illustrious career as a surgeon in the Medical Corps of the US Army. He retired as a colonel and wrote his book on gunshot injuries. He was called back to active duty in World War I in the office of The Surgeon General and among other duties lectured on treatment of gunshot wounds at various medical training camps.

Louis La Garde
Louis La Garde
Gunshot Injuries

Gunshot Injuries: How They Are Inflicted, Their Complications And Treatment by Louis La Garde (1914). This is a book every hunter should read. Colonel La Garde was in charge of the Army medical school and professor of surgery and his work spans the period from 1860 to 1916. Free eBook

P M Leary

Don't Die in the Bush

Don't Die In The Bush by P M Leary (1994) is a guide to outdoor emergencies and survival techniques in southern Africa.

Robert M Lee

Safari Today: The Modern Safari Handbook

Safari Today: The Modern Safari Handbook by Robert M Lee (1960) gives detailed information on planning a safari such as, selecting a professional hunter, cost of safari, the climate, country and game found there, methods of hunting, etc...in the 1950s of course.

Edward Matunas

Modern African Adventures: Including Insights Into Cartridges, Rifles And Safari Planning

Modern African Adventures: Including Insights Into Cartridges, Rifles And Safari Planning by Edward A Matunas (1998). Stories of hunting elephant, buffalo, leopard, lion, kudu and other big game, with information on rifles and cartridges suited to the game. Here are the adventures of today's legendary African professionals. In their own words, the stories are told by men who are currently living the death-defying dangers of modern Africa. Amazing tales of ranger Barrie Duckworth as he culls more then 1000 elephant; Roger Whittall's horrific story of being in a lion's mouth; and the intense fear felt in a dark mine shaft during the following of a wounded leopard.
More ammo and reloading books by Edward Matunas

Jeff Murray

Moon-Phase Deer Hunting

Moon-Phase Deer Hunting by Jeff Murray (2004) are the author's theories on how the different phases of the moon affect whitetail behaviour and movement patterns. Readers learn what moon phases make mid-morning hunting the best time to be afield and how to pinpoint the timing, intensity and duration of the rut by using the New Moon formula.

James Owens

Leather Sling And Shooting Positions

Leather Sling And Shooting Positions by James Owens (1996) imparts valuable and effective knowledge on how to master the essential shooting positions and sling usage. Follow a four-step program to shooting positions, the likes of which you have never seen before. Learn to assemble and adjust the leather sling in the same method taught by the Marine Corps Team. As an added bonus, receive a five-step theory that could increase your off-hand three to ten points. 2014 Kindle Version

Sight Alignment, Trigger Control & The Big Lie
Sight Alignment, Trigger Control & The Big Lie by James Owens (1996) includes tips to master breathing, natural point of aim, sight alignment, sight picture, focus and trigger control. With additional sections on mental conditioning, marking your sights, zeroing, normal come ups, light effects and much more. 2013 Kindle Version

Dr Hans Röhlink

A Beginners Guide To Hunting Africa

A Beginners Guide To Hunting Africa by Dr Hans Röhlink (2023) addresses all the considerations when organising an African hunting safari, particularly for beginners. is not easy for beginners. This includes how to choose a PH guide and hunting area, what rifle and equipment is needed, how to travel with a rifle to Africa and getting trophies home, what are the costs to expect and more.

Diana Rupp

Ask the Namibian Guides

Ask the Namibian Guides by Diana Rupp (2013). The author interviewed a dozen professional hunters from all over Namibia, asking for their insights on how to choose an outfitter, what types of rifles, ammunition and gear to bring, and how to practice and prepare for a successful safari. These professional hunters also discuss why Namibia is a good choice for a safari destination, what happens when you arrive in and depart from the country, what to expect during a typical hunting day, what the terrain is like, what type of game is available, what sort of lodging and food to expect, and what types of safari are most appropriate for families. The combined wisdom of these professionals gives an excellent overview of what to expect from a safari in Namibia.

Great African Trophies

Great African Trophies by Diana Rupp (2016) is a photographic showcase of some of the greatest game trophies ever taken in Africa. It includes elephants, buffalo, the big cats, spiral-horned antelopes, and dozens of other animals. The focus is on animals that rank in the top five of each species in the Safari Club International and Rowland Ward record books, but also included are historic, unlisted and little-known trophies, along with their stories.

Aaron Schmaus

Ten Rules For Finding A Good Hunting Partner

Ten Rules For Finding A Good Hunting Partner by Aaron Schmaus (2019). These same ten principles can be applied to finding a spouse, business partner or even just a good friend. The stories in this book are from true events and was inspired by the author's project to introduce a brand-new person into the US backpack hunting world.

Shikar Safari Club

Kudu Stew

Kudu Stew by Shikar Safari Club (1982) is a cookbook featuring wild game recipes.

Burk H Stelzner

Guide To Safaris

Guide To Safaris by Burk H Stelzner (1969) tells both the hunter and the photographer how to plan, outfit and participate in a safari in the most economical, time-saving and effortless way. It reflects all the colour and romance that are a part of safaris.

Gerhard Swan, Pieter Smit and Dirk Botes

Hunting Africa: A Practical Guide

Hunting Africa: A Practical Guide by Gerhard Swan, Pieter Smit and Dirk Botes (2002) covers every aspect of what todays professional hunters and safari specialists need to know. The authors offer informed reading for all outdoors men.

Kerry Thomas

Planning An African Safari: For The Everyday Working Man

Planning An African Safari: For The Everyday Working Man by Kerry Thomas (2012) offers tips from picking an outfitter to shipping your animals' home. The information found here was gathered from the author's experiences in planning two safaris in South Africa over the past few years.

Todd Triplett

The Complete Book Of Wild Boar Hunting: Tips And Tactics That Will Work Anywhere

The Complete Book Of Wild Boar Hunting: Tips And Tactics That Will Work Anywhere by Todd Triplett (2004) covers hunting wild boar across North America and around the world. He hunts javelina in the southwest US and the warthog in Africa. Includes preparing wild boar for the table and the taxidermist, plus a host of tips for a successful hunt.

Alec Van Der Post

African Hunting

African Hunting by Alec Van Der Post (undated) is an illustrated guide to hunting in Africa that was self-published. It is titled as 'Book One' but there appear to be no further books in the series.

Cobus Van Der Vlies

Southern Africa Wildlife And Adventure

Southern Africa Wildlife And Adventure by Cobus Van Der Vlies (2010). The author has over 40 years hunting experience in Africa and shares a plethora of facts that will contribute to a successful hunting experience in Southern Africa - from planning, to the actual hunt, the big five game opportunities, hunting packages and the total experience.

Karyl Whitman and Craig Packer

A Hunter's Guide To Aging Lions In Eastern And Southern Africa

A Hunter's Guide To Aging Lions In Eastern And Southern Africa by Karyl Whitman and Craig Packer (2007) is a guide to making lion trophy selection. The guide contains the most scientifically up to date data on judging the age of African lion.

Kenneth W Royce

Safari Dreams: A Practical Guide To Your Hunt In Africa

Safari Dreams: A Practical Guide To Your Hunt In Africa by Kenneth W Royce (2008) is how-to on all aspects of one's first African safari based on the author's experience of three hunting safaris.

Aubrey Wynne-Jones

Hunting: On Safari In East And Southern Africa

Hunting: On Safari In East And Southern Africa by Aubrey Wynne-Jones (1980) is a comprehensive and beautifully illustrated practical companion for the hunter. Includes where to aim depending on which way the animal is facing, advice on basic equipment and requirements, choice of trophies, appropriate rifles, game distribution maps, hunting tips and tactics.

The Sport Of Shooting In Southern Africa

The Sport Of Shooting In Southern Africa by Aubrey Wynne-Jones (1993). Illustrated chapters range from the historical perspective of shooting in the sub-continent to indepth commentaries on the shooting season, gamebird management, the shotgun, gundogs in Africa, the professional shoot, clay pigeon shooting, falconry and even gamebird cooking.

Eddie & Nicki Young

African Wildlife And Safari Guide

African Wildlife And Safari Guide by Eddie & Nicki Young (1987) is a useful guide to African animal identification, information on wildlife, how to survive in the wilderness, wildlife photography and hunting, hunting trophies, references for tourists and holidaymakers and transport.

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