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Verney Lovett Cameron Books

Verney Lovett Cameron (1844 - 1894) completed one of the greatest feats of all African exploration - a journey across the heart of the continent from east to west. He entered the Royal Navy in 1857, served in the Abyssinian campaign of 1868 and was employed for a considerable time in the suppression of the East African slave trade. The experience led to his being selected to command an expedition sent by the Royal Geographical Society in 1873 to assist Dr Livingstone. He was also instructed to make independent explorations, guided by Livingstone's advice. Cameron also wrote many adventure books for boys later in life.

Verney Lovett Cameron
Verney Lovett Cameron

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Across Africa

Across Africa by Verney L Cameron (1885) 2 Volumes. It is a fascinating account of a journey from the East to the West Coast of Africa, relating the particulars of the route taken, the manners and customs of the indigenous peoples encountered, commenting on the slave trade and its consequences. Cameron discovered the fate of Livingstone, after being sent to investigate whether he might need further assistance after Stanley's succesful journey the previous year. He met Livingstone's servants with the body of their master and having arrived at Livingstone's old camp, decided to continue westward. He made a complete survey of Lake Tanganyika and from there travelled south to Catumbela in Angola, on the Atlantic coast, becoming the first European to cross Africa from east to west. This is a detailed work with much on the peoples he encountered, their customs, weapons, tools, medicine, trade, the forests, food, geography and physical features of the areas. Free eBook

To The Gold Coast For Gold

To The Gold Coast For Gold: A Personal Narrative by Verney Lovett Cameron and Sir Richard Burton (1883). In 1881 Cameron joined Sir Richard Burton on a mission to West Africa. The two explorers examined the interior of the Gold Coast, searching for evidence of its gold-producing potential. Cameron also plotted the course of the Ankobrah River and they sent plants native to the Gold Coast to Kew Gardens. Vol I Free eBook Vol II Free eBook

In Savage Africa

In Savage Africa: Or The Adventures Of Frank Baldwin From The Gold Coast To Zanzibar by Verney L Cameron (1889) is an adventure story set in Africa in the nineteenth century. Free eBook

Slavery In Africa: The Disease And The Remedy by Verney L Cameron (1888)

Among The Turks

Among The Turks by Verney L Cameron (1890) is a rip-roaring tale of adventure on the high seas, shipwrecks, being cast away, taken prisoner and travel throughout Turkey and Iraq and throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Free eBook

Three Sailor Boys

Three Sailor Boys: Or Adrift In The Pacific by Verney L Cameron (1902) are the adventures of three youths on some South Sea islands and includes dealings with cannibals and rescue by a faithful and very vocal 'native'. Free eBook

Jack Hooper: His Adventures At Sea And In South Africa

Jack Hooper: His Adventures At Sea And In South Africa by Verney L Cameron (1887)

Our Future Highway: The Euphrates Valley by Verney L Cameron (1880)

The History Of Arthur Penreath

The History Of Arthur Penreath: Sometime Gentleman Of Sir Walter Ralegh From His Own Writings by Verney L Cameron (1888)

The Cruise Of The Black Prince Privateer

The Cruise Of The Black Prince Privateer by Verney L Cameron (1886). The sea battles and seamanship are especially well described. Cameron was a retired naval officer and his knowledge and expertise are very evident in this well-written and absorbing novel.

The Adventures Of Herbert Massey In Eastern Africa by Verney L Cameron (1888)

Harry Raymond: His Adventures Among Pirates, Slavers And Cannibals

Harry Raymond: His Adventures Among Pirates, Slavers And Cannibals by Verney L Cameron (1894)

Books About Verney Lovett Cameron

W Robert Foran

African Odyssey - The Life of Verney Lovett-Cameron

African Odyssey - The Life Of Verney Lovett Cameron by Robert Foran (1937) is about the life and African explorations of Verney Lovett Cameron and his 3 year journey from east to west Africa by one with a deep knowledge of the continent.

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